RJ Spagnols Chocolate Orange Port

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Im not sure if those are basically the same as the Enolmatic pads which can stop a fermentation early to leave a sweet wine because it gets all the yeast out and leaves your wine with as much residual sugar as you want. If anyone knows the answer to this let me know as I will put this on my wish list.
Wade, the enolmatic doesn't use pads, but a cylindrical membrane filter, which is quite a bit different. #3 pads will get 99% of the yeast out because they are .5 micron, but the enolmatic filter is .45 micron or lower and is good for many uses until it clogs, while pads are only good for single uses.

Also, with pads, you must go through #2 then #3. With the enolmatic, you can get 2 or even 3 filter housings and put the wine through each one in succession to do a single filtering job (Start with coarse, move to fine, and then to sterile).
Thanks Dean, its a hard decision as Ive heard a few stories of people having trouble with both of these units. Luckily I have lots of time to decide($)!
Bottled thisguy last weekend. WOW! The wife and I ended up drinking half a bottle already... My wife is definitly not a Port fan but absolutely loved this... I think I'm going to have to hide the bottles from her somehow... This one and the ice wine I bottled two weeks ago... I'm about to start a WE Chilean Chardonnay. I have pic's of everything that I just havn't posted, maybe I'll get around to that sometime...
I'll probably bottle mine up this weekend. Did you filter or leave it as is? It's pretty dark so I don't know that you'd be able to see a small amount of sediment in there.
Filtering this wine is mainly to remove any yeast cells so as to help in not fermenting again.
Filtered... I would have probably racked it a few more times if I wasn't going to filter it... Lot's of sediment dropped on this guy.
I did the same. It was "highly recommended" to filter it so I did exactly that. Mine didn't really have all that much sediment in it. I think the majority dropped during primary as there was a TON of sediment when I racked. I would guess no more 3/4 inch of sediment in mine. Unlike my Chardasia I just finished that had 3 inches or so of sediment in it!

It tasted pretty good for being green. I bet this will be awesome in a year's time.