Chilean harvest 2015 at Harford Vineyard

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Jan 8, 2014
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I received the email from Harford Vineyard today that they are taking orders Chilean juice and grapes. Here is the link:

There are additional varietals this year, including petite verdot and pinot gris.

I am thinking carmenere and zinfandel.... but I will look at the site to see what they have.

I was originally going to do Carm/Cab. But now that they are offering Petite Verdot, I may either add some of that, or swap it out with the Cab entirely. I really like Purple Angel, which is a Carm/PV blend.

I'm giving serious thought to ordering some of the South African Pinotage as well. I'm not all that interested in it, but my hope would be that helping Harford get a decent order this year will make it easier for them to source more South African fruit in the future.
Seems like they need a quick response on the South African pinotage. So if you are interested, let them know....

Already did. Thanks Heather!

I think I'm gonna do 4 lugs of Carmenere, and two each of Cab Sauv and Petite Verdot. And hopefully some Pinotage.
I'm not doing any grapes this yet as I'm getting ready to move to penn state to finish my degree, but would anyone be interested in meeting up down there when the grapes come in? My Syrah and Malbec from last year will be done and bottled by then and I would love to hear some other opinions as to how it turned out.

Some more general pail questions. BTW, I'm just doing my first kit tomorrow (WE Selection Viognier) but have been doing 5 batches with various Welches Juices and different fruits.

Okay, so were gonna pick up the pail and a lug of grapes. When we get home, I'm assuming I just need to let the pail warm to room temperature. I'll have my other equipment clean and ready to go. While the pail is warming, I'll destem and slightly crush the grapes. I assume I'll use strainer bags for the grapes, put 1/2 the pail into my fermenter, split the grapes between the pail and fermenter. Then things get a little "grey", do I sulfite, wait 8 to 12 hours and add pectic enzyme (Lallzyme EX-V - my bucket/grapes are Merlot) wait another 8 hours, then add tannins (FT Roughe)? Check SG/pH/TA and adjust. Add yeast (Goferm rehydration), stir to add lots of oxygen. Daily I'll squeeze the grape bags and make sure they are evenly moist. After my SG falls 1/3 I was planning to add Fermaid O per pkg instructions. Then when SG gets around 1.020 to 1.010, get the grape bags out after squeezing and move to a secondary fermenter under airlock. Then wait till I hit terminal gravity and it doesn't change for 3 straight days. Then decide if I'm doing a MLF (which I'm still researching). If not MLFing, degass and add sulfites and wait for eventual clearing, racking every two or three months, adding more sulfites every 3 months.

Did I miss anything?

I'm not Heather, but your plan is sound. I'd recommend the MLF.


I'm not Heather, but your plan is sound. I'd recommend the MLF.



What yeast would you recommend for the Merlot if I do MLF, and should I wait for sugar fermentation to complete before attempting MLF or do it concurrently?

I'm assuming if I MLF after fermentation to hold off on sulfites till completion of MLF.

Your avatar looks she could be named Heather.

Side question, would you use Lavin QA23, ICV-D47 or the EC-1118 that came with my Viognier kit, or recommend something else?

Thanks in advance,
I'd go with RP15, D254 or BM4X4; not necessarily in that order. You are correct that you don't want to sulfite until MLF is complete. I would press around 1.000, maybe 1.010. Let things settle for 48 hours or so, then rack and pitch your MLB.
Wow, thanks for all the good information! Which MLB have you used in the past for Merlot? My LHBS keeps pushing the white labs version but they may feel I'm more comfortable with theirs since I use white labs for most of my beer production.

Was planning to order the Opti-Malo when I ordered the MLB, thanks for the reminder. Also planning on ordering the test kit, once the tax return shows up in my account.
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I've had very good luck with VP41 on several varieties. Use Opti-Malo in the wine, and also add some Acti-ML to the liquid when hydrating the MLB.
I like the powdered MLB better than the liquids.

Your process looked good, a couple of notes:

Crushing and destemming isn't anything mysterious, you just have to get the grapes broken open and off the leaves and stems.

I put the grapes in six smaller mesh bags to make them easy to handle. Three in each pail.

SG/ph/ta adjustments are first step.

Pectic enzyme is second. Then you wait the allotted amount of time.

I run MLF and alcohol fermentation at the same time. The grapes and juice should be room temperature by the time you have done the prep.

Your notes on squeezing grapes sound good - I didn't stress over that. Do what you have time for.

No kmeta until after MLF is complete. I have to say I didn't do much in the way of stirring and fussing over the MLF. I stirred once every few days.

Your schedule for nutrients sounded good.

Let me check my notes on when to press... Or another member can chime in. I did this by hand, hence the smaller mesh bags. You can freeze the grapes and use in later kits.

You'll rack off the lees when alcoholic fermentation is done, and then MLF will continue in the carboys.

MLF takes time, I gave it a month before testing; I used the strips. Frankly, though, I could taste when the wine turned the corner from tart to mellow as the mlb did their work. When it got to where I liked the taste I called it done and added kmeta but no sorbate. There are more technical ways to go about it, but this works for me.

Then racked and let it sit to clear and degass. I racked a couple of times and you should add kmeta when you rack.

In terms of oak, I added powder to primary, then chips in a mesh bag while in a carboy. The chips last about six weeks.

Fairly straightforward. The forum is here if you have questions during the process.

SG/ph/ta adjustments are first step.

Pectic enzyme is second. Then you wait the allotted amount of time.


The only reason I left the SG/pH/TA testing/adjustments till after the Pectic enzyme "rest" was because I thought some of the juice liberated from the grapes might affect the initial SG. Guess I could do that first since I'll probably be waiting a decent amount of time for that bucket to warm up. Just made a batch of beer yesterday and got distracted and let the wort chiller run a little too much. Couldn't pitch the yeast until this morning.

Thanks for the thorough post and yes I will drive you all nuts with questions as long as you keep answering me!
I've had very good luck with VP41 on several varieties. Use Opti-Malo in the wine, and also add some Acti-ML to the liquid when hydrating the MLB.

Hmm, didn't realize there was an Acti-ML, so I guess that equates to GoFerm for rehydrating yeasts. Well, I'm compiling another order so I guess I'll add that one. Noticed that the smallest package for VP41 seems to be 2.5g, good for 66 gallons and they say it can't be stored once opened? Do you just add the whole package or measure out 1/11th of the package and add that? Gotta be a way to store that baby, especially at + $30 a package. I've slanted yeast, maybe I'll try some MLB for giggles.
Hmm, didn't realize there was an Acti-ML, so I guess that equates to GoFerm for rehydrating yeasts. Well, I'm compiling another order so I guess I'll add that one. Noticed that the smallest package for VP41 seems to be 2.5g, good for 66 gallons and they say it can't be stored once opened? Do you just add the whole package or measure out 1/11th of the package and add that? Gotta be a way to store that baby, especially at + $30 a package. I've slanted yeast, maybe I'll try some MLB for giggles.

Exactly right - ActiML = GoFerm for MLB. I've read of people storing it in the freezer successfully, but I haven't tried it. Instead, I'm gradually making more each time to simply lower the cost per bottle. :D
Next question. My wife gave me the go ahead to order a white juice bucket. I've heard they can be thin depending on the year. Is there any way to up the body? I know with reds you can add a lug of grapes, what can you do with a white bucket?

Hopefully I can still order, I saw an email a few days ago asking to get all last minute orders in.
