can't find yeast!!!!

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Senior Member
Sep 19, 2012
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Today is pitch day and I can't for the life of me find my 2 packets of Lalvin 1122. I have one expired (6/2015) packet from last year of RC 212. Home brew stores are closed. My only option is wait another 24 hours risking infection or pitch this old one PLUS two new ones that I pick up tomorrow.

Is this a kit, whole grapes, a juice bucket??? Might be able to add some Kmeta and wait a day. Otherwise if you have some Go-Ferm you could rehydarate the yeast and see if it shows any activity. If it does pitch and get some more yeasties tomorrow.
No go. The yeast is dead. I'll just have to get yeast tomorrow and cross my fingers. I don't really want to add K meta AGAIN. I did a 50 ppm dose yesterday