Calling all Label Makers!!!

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
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I tried to make labels for the new batches of hot sauce and I don't have the patiencenor the talent to design somethingdecent.

Since we have many talented label makers I am looking for anyone who is interested in designinga label for us to use.

For the best original labels submitted that we select to use you will receive a Fine Vine Wines $25.00 Gift Certificate and a 3-pack of our sauces for your effort.

If interested please contact me at [email protected]
I can't help you Masta, I have neither the talent or the tools but I think this is a great opperuntity for some of our talented members. I know I'd be willing to pay $25 for some of the labels I'd like made.
Oh yeah does the product have a name? Or do you want us to design a generic label ?
You're on, Masta! Send or post the particulars! I'm up for the challenge! =)
Nooooooo! Don't say that!!! Remember, bmorosco, beauty is in the eye of the beer holder! =)
I made the main sauce which included many different types of hot peppers from the gardenand roasted red bell peppers as a base. Then I took the main sauce and divided it into thirds and flavored each one so we ended up 3 different hot sauces:

  1. <LI>Habanero (very hot)</LI>
    <LI>Chipotle (smoked jalapeño)</LI>

My thought was to have a main design and then just change the name of the sauce for the different flavors. In the past I have used "Valley Brew Products" on the label but I am really open to any suggestions.
Valley Brew Products is not a real company but is in line with the Valley Brew name we put onsome of our wines, meads and beers.

The only design I have is one I had made a few years ago and really don't use it much. With the wine and beer glass on it it really won't work for hot sauce but might give some inspiration for you.


The only rule I have is to please keep it original and don't copy other's designs.

The labels I plan to use are 2.75" square matte finish.
Would these be of any interest to you Masta? Ant additional information could be added pretty easily



Geeeeez Waldo... Maybe we should call you "Johnny on the spot".....Thats Quick..
Thanks for thelabels Waldo they look good.
I will wait until all the entries are infor the final decision.
Your good Waldo, I stared and just could figure out where I wanted to go with it.
bmorosco said:
Geeeeez Waldo... Maybe we should call you "Johnny on the spot".....Thats Quick..

Ya gotta " Sit close, Think Fast, Design it Quick and Haul Ass"

I was late for supper and had to hurry bmorosco

Here are some I just threw's kinda late....more to come I guess.


oh yeah....they're 2.7" square.Edited by: usafcajun
Another variation that conveys the ingrediants used to make the sauce



I'm not looking! I'm not looking! I'm not looking!!! I don't want to see what other's have come up with until I get mine done. I have some ideas...I just hope I can pull them off!

I have to go to work and I can't access this fine site from there. If there's a time limit, so be it. I'll try and work on the labels today. (I sure hope my job doesn't get in the way!)
To make sure everyone has time to submit their best designs I will make the final decision on 12/11/06.

I am sure it will be tough to choose the best one with what I have seen so far!