Bulk aging but forgot to stabilize

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Jul 5, 2011
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I have a WinExpert Lodi Ranch 11 Cabernet Sauvignon that I wanted to take my time with on an extended schedule. I thought I was in a bulk-aging stage...

I went to check on it as it had been a couple months since my last action (Mid-November) and in looking at my notes I realize I never added the K-meta/sorbate. :m

Now, it has been topped up this whole time under airlock and does not taste off or anything. But almost 70 days in what was technically still a secondary fermentation has me concerned.

Did I do any damage?

Should I just stabilize now and let it go back to bulk aging awhile or take some alternative actions at this point?

In terms of microbes and wild yeasts, you're probably fine. Alcohol in the wine protects it. You don't say anything about clarity and I assume the wine is clear by now.

There's much debate on bulk versus bottle storage, with potential oxidation and the need for continual sulfiting a negative on bulk aging. However, you sound like everything is fine. Reds have a greater tolerance for oxygen than whites, which helped. Look for discoloration (browning) particularly on the edges of your glass or carboy. That's a sign of oxidation, but it sounds like you're fine.

I'd add the k-meta now.
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Dvorak, as Tony said I would add the k-meta now. You probably do not need to add k-sorbate but I would check the SG anyway. I would expect something in the low 0.990's and the chances of refermentaion are virtually non-existent unless you plan to sweeten for some reason.
Not to high jack your thread but I was at a toss up between the Lodi Ranch Cab Sav or the Barollo from WE. Let me know how it came out for ya.
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All good advise. As Ms Rocky said, "You probably do not need to add k-sorbate"