Brew belt on 6 gallon Vadai

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Mar 31, 2015
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Hi All,

I have an Eclipse Merlot ready to be racked out of my barrel. I'd like to degas it one last time with the All in one pump before bottling. Right now the temp is around 64/65. I was thinking of putting a brew belt around the barrel to get the wine up to 70-72. Is this a bad idea for the barrel?

Thanks for the advice,

I don't use any barrels, but IMHO a brew belt would have little to no effect. The wood would :)?) dissipate the heat before it could be transferred to the wine. You could try AIO to a carboy and warm up there OR check it first,,, may not need the heat. Closed system should not present any O2 problems
I'd be hesitant to put heat on my barrel for fear of drying it out. Rack from the barrel to a carboy, then let it degas from there.
Thanks guys. I will rack it into a carboy and warm it up in there.
