Blueberry Wine

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OK, started my blueberry on 4/24 SG was 1.088 racked it to the carboy on 4/30 SG 1.000 it is still working and the SG is at .994 should I put the K-meta in and the sorbate now or let it stop working?
I would let it stop working.....backsweeten later if you want and maybe make an f-pack too.....Good Luck
Let it stop as adding that stuff wont really make it stop anyways, it doesnt stop it from fermenting, it prevents it from re fermenting.
From one that makes it.. Let it stop. you cant rush winemaking
Rigt nowI would add a good dose of patience and then verify fermentation has completed with SG readings then degass and stabilize with kmeta and sorbate
Tepe: I did an f-pac withtwo pounds of same frozen blueberries, and a a few cans of blueberries , maybe one can of blackberries (typically very good quality from Oregon) Reduced over medium heat, cooled, strained,added, stabilized.Strange , Iknow, but very much a clove taste. Did not sweeten. No wine conditioner. I think I'll open a second bottle tonight and check it. Thanks.
still interesting... Wine condidtioner can add a cough medicine taste so thats whay I asked
try back sweetening with simple syrup. It may mask the clove
Yes Hannabarn. Last summer I about beat him to death with questions on F-Pac and back sweetener for my blueberry wine!!! hahahahaha
uavwmn said:
Yes Hannabarn. Last summer I about beat him to death with questions on F-Pac and back sweetener for my blueberry wine!!! hahahahaha
And... Your wine turned out great right!
Tepe, I will find out next month as it will be a year old for my fruit wines. Stay tuned.......