Blueberry Wine - Residual Sugar

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Dec 17, 2011
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Last June/July I started a batch of blueberry wine. At this time I am done and to the point of backsweetening and bottling. My issue is trying to come up with a range to target for residual sugar when backsweetening. I did bench trials of 1% to 3% residual sugar, but it really didn't seem to give the wine a blueberry flavor

When doing my bench trials, what levels of residual sugar should I target?

It is really going to be personal preference.
I would guess for most, a FG range of 1.004 - 1.010 would be good.
I like my blueberry around 1.010. If it's weak on flavor, one option is to add a little blueberry flavoring which should be available at your supply store. It's concentrated so a little goes a long way and keeps from diluting your wine like a f-pak will sometimes.
check the ph value, changing it may increase the flavor. also do the back sweetening based on taste not numbers. May not added enough sugar syrup to get the flavor you desired because you were focusing on numbers.
Although sweetness can bring the fruit forward, that is not the only factor. The ferment and the fruit must have been conducive to a fruity transference. If the fruit itself was not succulent, or the yeast was not one conducive to a fruit wine then all is for not. With the exception of a flavor pack, or artificial flavoring, the beverage is what it is! Sweetening, and time will bring the fruit forward, But we are not talking in your face difference.

Always use quality, ripe fruit, and plenty of it, and consider the yeast before selection.
When I did my first blueberry wine, I couldn't make it taste good at first. It was bland and muddy tasting. Then I added some acid blend and the blueberry just popped right out!

I would suggest doing bench trials with both sugar and acid. Consider testing with both acid blend and lemon juice. Just like a blueberry pie doesn't taste right without lemon juice, it can add a lot to a blueberry wine.