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Oct 27, 2011
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I have a wine I made with fresh fruit and berries. it has fermented down below an SG of 1.00. What store bought juice could I use to add some flavor and sweetness? Is this going to decrease the alcohol content if I add a gallon of juice to my 3 gallons of wine?

thank you!
Yes it will decrease your ABV, by 25%. As for what juice to add, what do you like? You could add juice of the same fruit and berries that you made the wine from or add a contrasting flavor. I would be sure that what ever you use, it is 100% juice. If you don't want to reduce the alcolol level, get some grain alcohol, remove whatever % ABV your wine is and add that much grain alcohol from the juice. For example, if your ABV is 12%, remove about 15.5 ounces from the juice, add 15.5 ounces of grain to the juice and mix it with your wine.
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You can also reduce your juice so it is concentrated. Just put it in a pot, set it on your stove at a low heat and simmer the water out of it. It will still reduce your ABV, but not as much. Arne.
How long would I simmer it for? How will I know when the water is out? And what if the grain alcohol I have is only 80%?

Is that ok still?

Thanks guys!
Simmer to at least 1/2 of orig volume. What is the fruit wine u making? Fresh fruit c-pac is the best.
Make sure you added meta AND sorbate before adding

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