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Jun 2, 2012
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Looking for some
Pointers in sweetening my wine
Should I bottle at the same time or wait a few days
Looking for some
Pointers in sweetening my wine
Should I bottle at the same time or wait a few days

The safest way is to wait a week or so after racking, adding sorbate and sweetening. That being said, I have racked, sweetened and bottled on the same day without any issues.
Boone, like Phil said, best to wait for a few days to be sure you don't get a re-fermentation from the added sugar. The addition of potassium sorbate should guard against that but it is not always successful. One other suggestion I always make is to bench test before you sweeten the whole batch. I also suggest under sweetening just a bit because it has been my experience that wine tends to sweeten slightly by itself.

Good luck.
make sure potassium sorbate is fresh ( less than year old) otherwise it is ineffective. Best route add sorbate and sulphur first wait a few days do bench trials for sweetening, add selected dosage to larger batch, wait a few days to make sure refermentation does not start then bottle.
Actually you should test to find the specific point of sweetness you like. Then back sweeten all of your wine adding sir ate and a pinch of sulfite per 5 gallons. Rack and airlock it for a few weeks.

This will allow any final CO2 to escape, the taste of sulfite will dissipate and you will see if the sir ate is good by not having a re fermentation on your hands.

When I bottled a week after sweetening I will still have a slight sulfite taste in the wine.

Patience will produce an even better wine.