Back Sweetening with Fructose?

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Senior Member
Nov 29, 2010
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I picked up some crystalline fructose from the bulk section of a grocery store here. I mainly bought it for my coffee, but then I got to wondering if I could back sweeten with it.

It's supposed to be much sweeter than table sugar, and seems to dissolve much easier.

Has anyone tried this? And if so, what adjustments would you make in proportion to sugar?
Fructose is kid of sugar coming from natural sugar. It is easy sugar and 1 peace of fructose together with one piece of glucose creates saharose, the white sugar we all know from the store. I am not sure if fructose is sweeter that saharose but I am almost sure it will be more expensive since the technology making it. Sugar is a sugar I don’t see point to check how much % of sugar is in the sugar. I suggest to keep it easy and cheep. You can try but then it will be better to buy some very sweet grapes and use just juice to make wine. No sugar adds! Then you will have all natural fructose from the grapes. That’s how the real wine is made where you can produce grapes with high level of sugar, I mean warm countries. Or in your situation since you are from Texas… muscadine grapes are great solution! Very sweet! Find some use just juice and you will have great wine!