Back sweetening is fun!!

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Jan 14, 2022
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Hocking Hills, OH
This morning I back sweetened gallon batches of pear, strawberry, and raspberry. First time back sweetening! Didn't know what to expect. I decided to add 50 ml of 2-1 syrup at a time, gently stir with drill attachment, taste, take SG reading, repeat.
Learned a lot and I'll change my procedure next time. But -

There was more tasting than expected. I can't drive for a while.

What a great hobby!! :h
This morning I back sweetened gallon batches of pear, strawberry, and raspberry. First time back sweetening! Didn't know what to expect. I decided to add 50 ml of 2-1 syrup at a time, gently stir with drill attachment, taste, take SG reading, repeat.
Learned a lot and I'll change my procedure next time. But -

There was more tasting than expected. I can't drive for a while.

What a great hobby!! :h

Did you happen to take notes as you were doing this as to how the flavor profile changed?
There was more tasting than expected.
You bottled 3 gallons -- did you manage to cork 12 bottles? Or maybe more like 9? ;)

All jokes aside, go with small samples -- keep in mind that 50 samples of 1/2 oz is a bottle of wine ....
I would suggest bench trial in future. take 1/4 cup sample of the wine and use 1/4 tsp of the sweetener. a 1/4 tsp to first sample, twice this to second sample three time to third sample proceed with other. calculate for main batch add k-meta and sorbate along with sweetener
Bench trial shmench trial, I had fun. I may try it in the future, though.

Yes, I took all kinds of notes. Now that I know approximately how much syrup to use there will be fewer tastings in the future. Interestingly, at the end the SG of the pear wine was 10 points higher than both of the berries, which were essentially identical. That tells me I have a ballpark amount of syrup to add but I still need to treat each batch uniquely.

On a serious note - I can drink a bottle of commercial white wine and not feel a thing. Two glasses of red wine will hit me HARD. I wondered how my fruit wines would affect me. Now I know! What a fun hobby.
Yes, I took all kinds of notes. Now that I know approximately how much syrup to use there will be fewer tastings in the future. Interestingly, at the end the SG of the pear wine was 10 points higher than both of the berries, which were essentially identical. That tells me I have a ballpark amount of syrup to add but I still need to treat each batch uniquely.
You're a fast learner! Every wine is different, and you can never assume you know what's going to happen.

I bench test for blending wines, but not for backsweetening. I take it slow, and when I think the wine needs just a bit more, I stop. It's far easier to add more than to take some out.

I also note that my opinion of 3 blends may change a bit from day to day, so I don't stress about making the perfect blend. I make one that I like, and move forward.
Yes this! What is it with red wine? Two reds will hit me harder than two stiff mixers.
I did a little quick research. In addition to the tannin, of course, red wine has procyanidin, flavanoids, complex esters, and anthocyanins. I've been away from chemistry so long that all those are just blah blah blah. Whatever it is, I - and sounds like you - am sensitive to. Something certainly plays a role in how the body deals with alcohol.
I did a little quick research. In addition to the tannin, of course, red wine has procyanidin, flavanoids, complex esters, and anthocyanins. I've been away from chemistry so long that all those are just blah blah blah. Whatever it is, I - and sounds like you - am sensitive to. Something certainly plays a role in how the body deals with alcohol.
So essentially you're a cheap drunk? 🤣
I've learned it pays to put in the sorbate, k-meta, backsweeten and then let it sit for at least a month or more. Then I will rack and taste test again. My last batches of cherry needed more sweetening to balance. Glad I waited.
I've learned it pays to put in the sorbate, k-meta, backsweeten and then let it sit for at least a month or more. Then I will rack and taste test again. My last batches of cherry needed more sweetening to balance. Glad I waited.

I have multiple 1 gallon batches in bulk and plan to experiment. Thanks for the tip. My first batches of DB and SP are clearing nicely and will certainly relieve a lot of stress. Stress? No, it's more like *!*!*STRESS!*!*!*!!! I'm only 5 months into this hobby and I'm sure almost everyone here has been in my shoes - dealing with patience at this early stage is almost intolerable!! I'm not the first and I won't be the last to grudgingly realize that checking a batch 15-20 times a day does not speed things up, dammit. 😂
When you get several batches ahead, then the stress is "which one to drink next!!" Or another one. You get really into the process and one day realize you have 16 batches to bottle. All 5 gallon. Probably only do that once. What a great hobby!
YES! THAT'S the kind of stress I want! No, I NEED that kind of stress! I'll get there..... :h Yes, what a great hobby!
YES! THAT'S the kind of stress I want! No, I NEED that kind of stress! I'll get there..... :h Yes, what a great hobby!
But then it hits you that you will need 32 cases of clean bottles and storage space and corks and..........
Have at it, friend. Been there, done that. Got the shirt.

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