Asking for prayers

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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
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You know I am not one to ask for help. If I can't do it myself then screw it! I know I drive my husband nuts. This is not for me. My daughter in laws father fell down their basement steps Sunday, her mother called an ambulance immediately, the hospital is only three blocks from their house so he got there very quickly but his condition was very severe and was life flighted to Allegheny General, this hospital is exceptable for head injuries. He has several broken ribs and a fractured skull. The skull fraction was severe enough that they had to remove half of his skull because of the swelling, they found two large blood clots which they removed but he is in a coma, not a medical induced coma. Today the family was called in my the doctors, Gene is brain dead and they are telling the family they need to take him off of life support. This is where I am asking for your prayers, I am crying while I write this. My daughter in law's older brother, Geno, is in the US Navy and he is in Singapore and flying home but he can't get here before Thursday. Geno wants to tell his father goodbye, I think he deserves this. So I am asking for prays that his father can stay alive long enough that Geno can tell him goodbye.
Sorry to hear this Julie. I wonder why he fell down the stairs? Was the blood clots the cause or a result from the fall. The exact same thing happened to my dad (falling down the basement stairs) and they ended up finding a huge brain tumor. After surgery he lived for three of the 18 months they gave him. Prayers are certainly going forward.
Sorry to hear this Julie. I wonder why he fell down the stairs? Was the blood clots the cause or a result from the fall. The exact same thing happened to my dad (falling down the basement stairs) and they ended up finding a huge brain tumor. After surgery he lived for three of the 18 months they gave him. Prayers are certainly going forward.

The blood clots were due to the fall. We believe he lost his balance, he had a bad leg.

I so wish that they pull the plug but he lives, Dan. He is not just my daughter in law's father, he is my friend. Gene and his wife, Mary, spend holidays with Mike and I.
Julie I can't say anything that hasn't been said already. Just know you have my thoughts and prayers.
I sure hope he makes it time to say goodbye. God bless all of you and a special prayer for all that serve our countries and give up so much to do so, so far away from family and friends.

I am so sorry to hear this you are all in my thoughts and prayers also.