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Winemaker of 30+ years
Jul 7, 2008
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I just picked up a tank of argon w guage for 15 or 20 bucks, i dont recall the amount...i have never used this gas before....does any one have experience to share/advice, pros/cons?

thanks in advance as usual
I dont use it but have heard many people who have on many forums and since its an inert gas will do quite well. It is 2.5 times heavier then air so quickly displaces the 02.
great news thank here is a question....i am wondering about something.....if i open the carboy or tank from the top and the wine below is blanketed by argon.....and i am *gentle*...can i place a wine thief or glass tube (finger over the top) down thru the argon and into the wine for a sample...and also expect the argon will stay trapped over the wine...thus allowing me to re-apply the cap or bung and airlock....or is their a re-application or argon needed?

might sound like a stupid question....but its on my mind :)
I am using argon as well.

After you open and pull sample and are ready to reseal take a butane lighter (a long one) and stick it in and see how quickly the flame goes out. It it stays lit for any length of time you should probably add more Argon, if it goes out immediately or close to that you should be fine.
Yep, thats the test. If there is to much 02 in there the lighter will stay lit or stay lit more them 3 seconds, so re application is needed. If you dont have a big head space then that little poof is nothing and the tank will last a very long time. what size tank did you get?
wow...thanks Mike and Wade...i didnt know about that little test.....i am glad this isnt april fools day because i would be forced to google argon and see if it is flammable :)...i am hopeful that i may be able to avoid too many argon refills

Wade i dont have my notes here but i think it was weighed w gas in it at 26 pounds.....i will take a pic or post the size when i see it tomorrow...i added a bunch of items in order to minimize the shipping costs on the 30 - 3 gallon carboys
This is a 5 lb tank of C02 next to a 5 gallon carboy.
Argon is not flammable and is completely inert. It doesn't react with anything.
I'm interested in using Argon as well as but I'm not sure were to get it. Where did you get your tank?
hanks for the info Peter and that picture Wade....

Wade are you concerned at all about CO2 getting back into the wine? or are you using for something else?

Monty I thought mine would arrive today...was told by the shipper that i would receive between 11 and 5PM....i was at the greenhouses and winery installing electrical all day and the shipment never came...i ordered via someone at's classifieds
I d use to layer a few batches that dont quite fill a carboy and dont want a bunch of 1 gallon jugs around. You dont use enough to carbonate your wine, just a quick puff on top. I mainly use it for carbonating beer on tap as I have 4 kegs in my fridge. Iys a lot harder to get C02 in then it is out!
You have to really pressurize a vessel pretty good and also at cold temps to get a beer or wine to become carbonatde, kind of like trying to get C02 out in cold is very hard to do.