WineXpert Anyone Oak W.E. Symphony?

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Jan 11, 2010
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Hey all, my W.E. Symphony is in final clearing and I'm wondering if I should age it in my med+ oak barrel a bit. Has anyone tried this, as I'm wondering if I'll get a oaked Chardonnay type affect?
I have made this kit in the pass,its not a oaky type of wine it is to be produced for a semi dry to sweet finish,holds up every well against time but should be consumed early ,do what your taste buds dictate I won't,all in all a great kit the women like it a lot.
I have made it also but Im not too big on oaked whites so I didnt do so.
Thanks for the reply guys, I was also hesitant about oaking this wine, as it has many fruit like undertones. I'm still wondering if I should oak half the batch as I also have a 2.6 gallon "mini barrel" that has been used for a while and has more of a French barrel affect than American and see how that tastes???
All I can say is that many people oak wines I would not and love it so everyone has their own taste and you have to find your own.