Another New Guy

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Sep 5, 2008
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Just thought i say hello to everyone.I have learned alot lately just reading these forums.I used to be an avid Bourbon drinker then a few months ago i decided i would try some wine due to the Dr orders then i thought well it cant be to hard to make an i cant make whiskey on Ft.Hood anyway i might as well try it.Now im finishing my second batch an im hooked.I recently tried a chocolate cherry port an i was instantly a port drinker so i plan on making some soon after i get a couple more batches complete. Well folks thats me just happy to be in the company of good advice.
Welcome Grumpy, hope you stay with us and we'll teach you everything you need to know and have fun along the way!
Hey Grumpy. Welcome to the Forum. I did do tours of good ole Ft. Hood.

Do not miss the blazing heat or humidity. lol

Enjoy the process~
Welcome to the forum! Glad to hear you're so open to change and new experiences. Wine has to be healthier that bourbon.
Welcome Grumpy,

We are all pretty healthy here !!! I'm glad you are enjoying the wine making and drinking.

Hey Grumpy! Do you have brothers named Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy Doc Dopey, and Happy?

Sorry you were stuck at Hood to.But this is where i found the woman who puts up with me.I never knew you could get so many flavors from one sip of wine its truly amazing.
Welcome Old Sarge to the forum

When I had my "visit" to Ft. Hood it was during an ice storm.

Enjoy the time
Well Scott if you were here an something was on the ground i must have been deployed.My wife says i complain about no snow so much God doesnt allow it to snow when im home.Im actually from missouri so its alot diferent here.By the way have you ever used any of the alexanders juices?

I haven't tried those juices, I'm new to this hobby but sure someone here has some advice on the matter. Great people as you will find out.

The ice storm there did pretty much shut everthing down, must have been in '84 or '85.
I believe NW and Appleman both have used them. I think NW uses the to add to her fruit wines to make wines such as Cherry Merlot. My brother-in-law made 2 wines using them and they cam out awful but he really has no idea what he is doing and refuses to accept help.
Sorry I am late at welcoming you to the forums. Been a bit busy here. Look forward to reading your posts.