Am I crazy...another batch?

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Red = European select barolo kit
Orange = cheeky monkey Riesling kit
Green/yellow = skeeter pee

It's actually a very bright yellow, just weird lightning from my phones flash.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Not unusual at all to have 2 going at once. Look for deals on carboys on craigslist as people leave the hobby/move. I'll generally make 2 batches at a time and start 2 more as soon as 2 go into secondary if I have the carboys free. As far as aging, the whites will taste fairly good at 4 months, but will keep improving. If the wine is clear, you can bottle if you want. Just don't rush bottling if it is still clearing. Most kits take a couple extra months to clear than what the directions say.

As for bottles, I bought a few cases for my first batch, but then found some Italian restaurants and a wine shop that does tastings. I now have 700 + bottles. It took me a couple months to get those all label free and clean doing 45 at a time. fortunately I got them in the winter and they did not stink up the garage while I was working my way through them. BTW Don't keep screwtops for recorking as the glass is thinner. They may explode.
You know it's out of hand when you start adding stainless to your collection of carboys because 6 gallons just ain't enought lol...

When I first joined this forum a member told me to be careful because carboys multiply. He wasn't lying. Started this jan and have 3 carboys, two primaries, a bottling bucket and one more carboy on its way. Oh man my wife is going to lose her mind! She keeps asking me what the hell do I keep ordering? She just sees the boxes coming in through ups. But I take everything to my storage area. So she doesn't see it all.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
:) I began last August because it was a good year for choke cherries! Now: bottled choke cherry/apple, batch of quad berry Dragon's Blood (now gone because a lot went for Christmas presents), a blackberry/grape Dragon's Blood/bottled. In carboys: rhubarb/raspberry (cleared and soon to bottle), carrot, cranberry/apple (cleared and soon to bottle), plum, apple, concord grape and a pear/pineapple/white grape. In ferment buckets: quad berry Dragons Blood and the same blackberry/grape Dragon's Blood. In freezer: enough cranberries for a 6 gallon batch and the grape juice concentrate to go with my next batch of choke cherries. Too much? I don't think so. I am always perusing the grocery ads for specials on frozen juice to make the numerous types of Dragon's Blood out there! I too have my friends save me their bottles. If you have a local restaurant they may save bottles for you also. A wonderful new hobby to share with friends and family. What could be better!
Yep - Crazy sets in. 9 - 6 gallon carboys and 3 - 3 gallon carboys. I am completely nuts. Always have 5 or 6 on the go (usually 9) bulk age white 3 months and reds 8 to 10 months. Have 2 - 3 gallons on the go now , and 5 - 6 gallons with 2 kits in the primary. And 3 on deck with 4 LE and RQ on order.
You are not crazy to make more batches, but let me warn you about eruptions. You might not want to leave your wine by that rug while you work on it or store it. Sometimes wine can degass suddenly, or fermentation can speed up when going from primary to secondary and you will have a geyser. If you are married, it is best to keep the wife happy with your hobby. ;)
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You are not crazy to make more batches, but let me warn you about eruptions. You might not want to leave your wine by that rug while you work on it or store it. Sometimes wine can degass suddenly, or fermentation can speed up when going from primary to secondary and you will have a geyser. If you are married, it is best to keep the wife happy with your hobby. ;)

This! I had both my Riesling and my skeeter pee erupt over the past 48 hours... Got EVERYWHERE!

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making