After 4 weeks... we sprung a leak.

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Junior Member
Aug 29, 2012
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OK guys Im sure you may remember some of the hassle I went through with my barrel, I've had wine in it for 4 weeks now and every time i top it off, it leaks a bit through one stave. It never actually forms drops just gets damp. It was good for a couple weeks but now seems to have an issue.. Would you guys recommend using boiling water again to try and seal it again or should i just wax it and call it a day?

Wax it and call it a day. I have several staves that required "fixin" on a couple of barrels.
Thanks Mike, youve been most helpful in my barrel woes! At least the wine coming out of it taste better than the barrel looks now hah
These small barrel are very hard to keep looking "new". Just goes with the territory but your right what comes out is soooo much better than what went in it makes it all worth the while!

Hit the spots with KMETA spray and wax the leak if necessary.