Cellar Craft Added too much acid. Now what?

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Sep 24, 2013
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It appears that I went a bit over the top with the addition of tartaric acid to my CC Yakima Valley Syrah. I tasted it several times during the addition, and it seemed to be great. Now, after a month, the acid content seems to have spiked. I'm not sure how or why, but it is now too high.

Any suggestions to bring it back down?
First thing to do is check the TA level to decide how much it needs to be lowered. One easy thing you can do to lower it a bit would be to cold stabilize it and drop out some of the tartaric acid.
Why would you add acid of any kind to a Kit, especially that one which is a premium kit? Kits do not need messing with.

Lesson learned, you want to tweak acid levels make wine from fresh fruit.
You're going to need to measure the pH and TA to know where you stand. Manipulating acid levels according to taste can lead to trouble if you do not have experience and if the wine is not properly aged. You never want to change the acidity of a kit wine. The manufacturers have already taken care of that part for you (to their intended style). It's also the reason why you never want to perform MLF on a kit wine, too.

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