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The dandelion wine looks real good, will be ready to filter and bottle in a few weeks:


Hi AAA, I'm curious, wahat does dandellion wine taste like. Yours looks
awesome. Is there any difference making this than typical fruit wine,


Edited by: wadewade
I made two different batches from Jack Kellers recipes, one with
raisins for body and one without, I short changed the recipes by using
SuperKleer for a fining agent when stablizing and fining. Sorry I haven't tasted it yet.

Wade I am sure Martina could provide some tasting notes on Dandellion. I dont think there is a flower growing that she has not made a wine from.
Cheri, my bottle lady gave me this fish bottle!!

Oh, and it looks like Polly has found her own clown and become quite smitten with

Today was Vanilla Extract day, it takes a year for it to age, then it just keeps getting better, FDA standard for 1X extract:

A single
fold vanilla contains the extractive matter of 13.35 ounces of vanilla
beans, containing less than 25% moisture, in one gallon of 35% aqueous
ethyl alcohol

I used 16 oz per 3.5 ltrs so I'm a little stronger.

Vanilla beans are a bargain on EBay now so I'm loading up, I give a lot away.

(I can't help but notice Polly has her pink dress on today, whats up with that?)


I used the food processor to chop the beans up, I cut them down the middle last time and its murder on the hands.

4 jugs of extract, shake it up every few weeks for a year and it's good
to go, I made 2 Bourbon vanilla's and 2 Tahitian vanilla's. Some left
over Vodka, I'll pour it down the sink


I need to do that!! I have 3 bags of the Bourbon beans sitting on my counter. Finish up Thursday for a wek - maybe I'll get it done then. I see you're still hard at it stinkie!!
Some would say it's the OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) if it is
then LOTS of us here have it!! I think we are just FUN people who
like to stay busy!! Tropicalgal, did you start a wine kit yet? Maybe
these days off would be a good time to start one, it doesn't take long
to start and after 5 to 7 days rack to the carboy, that doesn't take
long either. You just need some time in a month to bottle it.
Let's hear it for OCD!
I've been making bath bombes and bath salts this week. I had to get more supplies today and was disappointed in the scent selection at the food coop. Guess I'll have to order on line.
Polly is looking very pretty in her pink dress. If she has something going on with Clown Boy, I hope it's just for fun!
What are you going to do after a day off after 15 strait on shutdown?

MAKE PICKLES!! (and after test some Pinot
