A question about Sparkolloid

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Sep 20, 2011
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Just finishign my first batch of Skeeter Pee and added the sparkolloid about a week ago. It appears as though the wine has full cleared. My question is, do I have to wait the 2 weeks it states on the package or is it good to go as soon as it is cleared?
Waiting seldom hurts with wine making. give a little extra time and a little more will fall out. If you bottle it right away to will see dusk on the bottoms soon.
I agree with Mike. I made some Skeeter Pee a while back and it looked clear so I bottles it. It is lying on its side and has a little bit of sediment in the bottle. I wish I had waited a few more weeks. Patience is the watchword.
You should be patient. Twist the carboy a few times to drop any sediment sticking to the sides. Although you can see thru it there is still sediment slowly making it's way to the bottom.

I prefer to wait 6 weeks for my wines. 4 is fine though. Start another batch to keep your mind off of it.

If you rack too soon you will probably be leaving a few yeasts behind that will feed upon your sugar when you back sweeten.

Patience my friend
Thanks for the quick replies everyone. I will let it sit longer yet, kind of puts the brakes on my plans for giving some out for Christmas but I should have started sooner! Will give it another week!
I realize it's a skeeter pee but after it has cleared you should let it rest a bit to ensure any remaining yeast die thru attrition. If you back sweeten too soon it may start to referment.

Plus after you back sweeten you need to wait a week or two to see if fermentation occurs. Then you can bottle.

If you really want some for Christmas just back sweeten the morning you are going to serve it and keep it chilled. You'll be fine for a day or so.