$200 to spend....

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OK Rocky and company there is one thing we always leave out, PAPER TOWEL!!!

Or is it just me but I buy them in the largest pack I can from Sam's club. No I wouldn't add them to the $200 list when you can sneak them out of the pantry but does anyone else go through a ton of them like I do?

Lol I couldn't count how much I use! Case lot sale!
You are groovin' Mikey!

Thanks Rocky

I picked up on this with some interest in it for a while and well I guess I'm off and running. Not sure how much wine I'm going to make and who is going to be drinking it all. I Am having a good time making it and learning about what goes in to making the bottle. I have never been one to sniff out all the subtle things about a wine but I know If I like it and what tastes good to me. :dg

I think I will get a some different wines made up and and stocked up then slow down some. Also thinking of making some gift baskets with a few bottles crackers and maybe cheese for Christmas gifts. My brother and his wife who are chefs do this with food items every year and it's very nice to get items someone made vs. bought.