RJ Spagnols 20 days is it ok

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Jan 23, 2014
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Hi all i started a riesling 20 days back and just going from primary to carboy now will 20 days have any affect on the taste or ?.

Its RJS RQ ALS Riesling.

Thanks Shane
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Thanks for the answers . I just got busy with other things and really forgot about it. It was covered for the whole time and seems to be ok at least going by the smell.Sunny here and with that comes garden and lawn really what happens is i do to much and my back gets bad so things get missed. I think it will be fine colour is nice we will see when it clears and ages some. I was kinda ahhhhhhhhhhhh what did i do yesterday but posting here and getting the help from others is calming so i think its ok.

Thanks Shane

PS when i degassed it was really a good head of foam so i think all is good.
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I made a winexpert riesling and it was dark at first but cleared well and then was the proper straw color.

YOu will enjoy it.
Hi sorry for the late reply yes the colour was very dark in the bucket thats what made me worry but when i was moving it over to clear was much lighter in colour so i was happy to see that.
How long ago was it you made the winexpert one and have you aged it any ? i really do enjoy a nice glass of riesling thats why i picked this kit to do so i am hoping its good.

Thanks Shane
Hi sorry for the late reply yes the colour was very dark in the bucket thats what made me worry but when i was moving it over to clear was much lighter in colour so i was happy to see that.
How long ago was it you made the winexpert one and have you aged it any ? i really do enjoy a nice glass of riesling thats why i picked this kit to do so i am hoping its good.

Thanks Shane

I did not let it age much more than 4 months before I tried a bottle. It was good but not ready. After 6 months it was very good and it is probably 8 months old now.