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Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
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EDIT! Sorry, this site has been shut down and I have moved.

Hello everyone!

I would like to announce that my site is now up and running!

Please enter in your wines! Evaluating your recipe is required, and please be honest about it!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Very nice site Martina.

Gonna have to get my recipes around
Many thanks to Martina and Roland for this effort....this rocks and blows my mind!!!!


Thanks everyone. But we need your help (recipes!)!!!

So far, it's been me (and I entered George's Peach recipe from the site...) who's entered in info. Come on, people!!!

It's great! So far, 20 recipes are in at http://www.mywinerecipes.com

If anyone has problems with the site, let me know. I've had one person have problems, but it seems to work for others.
Don't forget
the more you add, the more others will too!


The Recipe Site is working very nicely now. I like the feature of 'Search Vintner'....but....where are everyones recipes????
I am one who would use the Site to gain inspiration and get ideas for future wines.
I would personally be intimidated by the Evaluation part of the Submission, but know that is probably an important part of it.
So, everyone, lets see your stuff...ideas needed here!!!! Anything, fruits, juices, etc., you never know, your wines may be just what someone else might want to try, like me.Thanks
I have added 3 of my recipes there now:

Chamomile Tea
Canned Plum
Canned Peach

We had a tasting evening on Saturday, so I could put some into the database.

I would be happy to see and urge others add their own recipes as well.
I really don't want this to be a "Martina-Only" recipe book.
Northern Winos said:
I would personally be intimidated by the Evaluation part of the Submission, but know that is probably an important part of it.

No need to be.

This is where people can say, "hey, it's not the best wine I've ever made, but it's worth a try." After our taste-testing evening on Saturday, my husband and I are determined to change the tasting notes a little. We realize the down-side of what's there now, but it's at least something.

Time permitting, we will change it around a little for the future. But that's in Version 2... Right now, Version 1 is doing its thing.

If you look at some of my recipe submissions, I have made comments about the wines I just added. "I didn't add enough sugar. There was CO2 that was annoying" etc, etc. I hated my Chamomile tea wine, my husband loved it. So, we took an "average" ofour tastes.

I used this tasting sheet as a guide for our website. It seemed to be the best one for our/the website's needs: http://www.cellarmastersla.org/cmfest.htm

Print it out and test one of your wines with it. You will see what I mean about having some difficulty in judging it. Put your comments in it, and then a general description of what you think the taste is. Don't forget to think about the age of the wine either. Taste it again after 6 months using the same scoring sheet, different color pen.

Don't be shy about giving your opinion about the taste! We did this because there are lots of wines out there (especially mine) where you think, "Yes, it's weird, but is it any good?" That's why we included the tasting notes.

Thanks for looking, NW, I'm glad it's workin' for ya!

And thank you NW, for submitting your first recipe!

I really appreciate it! Your wine pictures look GREAT!

Thank you so much!

Even if there already is a recipe entered in, which someone would like to enter, please do so. There are many paths leading to Rome, and one recipe is surely not enough!!!

Come on, people! It's not all that hard!!!

Again, thank you very much NorthernWinos! Every recipe helps!

Okay, submitted another recipe...is there any way we can get to it and edit and error??????????It read 5 teaspoons of Campden Tablets instead of just 5 tablets....YIKES!!!!
Have some time on my hands now and could submit a few more....BUT...want some in return...I need inspiration and mostly I use other peoples recipes.
I will summit some of those from books that I use..is that is allowed?? If you mention the source????
Unforutnately, the edit function is not yet done. It takes a lot of programming (setting up accounts/etc) to do so, but I'll change it for you. Just remind me if it's not done within a week.

Please submit any recipes you'd like, from anywhere. Just mention the author of the recipe, "I got this out of XYZ's book" That's all. If you changed it in any way, then I believe it's your own recipe.

Thank you again, NW, it's great to see the recipe book coming along. We now have what? 33 wines!!!! Way to go! Keep 'em coming!
Oh yes, I also wanted to add, for the method-lazies!!
(I know I am) I made up a "quick recipe method" text file which I just have to copy, paste, and change to fit my recipe's needs. Mine are usually pretty similar, so I often just use this as a template. Feel free to use it on your recipes - the bolded stuff is what you'd probably have to change.

Add sugar to boiling water, stir well.
Pour sugar-water mix over ingredients and crushed Campden tablet.
Once cooled, add nutrient, energizer, tannin and acid.
Sprinkle yeast on top and let fermentation start.
Check on the must daily. Once fermentation has started, feel free to punch down the cap (get everything moist).
After about 5-7 days (depends on how impatient you are), remove the ingredients either with a collander or with your sanitized hands.
Rack into glass when SG hits about 1.030 or less. Add 1 crushed Campden tablet per gallon when you do so.
Rack as needed (when you see about an inch of sediment at the bottom). Add 1 crushed Campden tablet per gallon when you do so. For beginning rackings, it is adviseable to splash the wine in the carboy.

The wine has completed fermentation when the SG has been at 0.990 for about 2 weeks, and you do not see action in the airlock at all.

Degas the wine, stabilize and sorbate, sweeten to taste.

Bottle and let age for 6 months to a year.
Geez...made another mistake posting....the first was in the Strawberry Red Rose...should read..5 Campden Tabblets....[not 5 teaspoons Campden tablets]....
The next Boo-Boo is in the Blueberry Burgundy wine recipe....it's 3 TEASPOONS acid not [5 Tablespoons]....and 8+ POUNDS of sugar.....
Also 'lost' a recipe...when I hit the submit button....? Got the dreaded 'error...cnnot be displayed' page.
Think I'll wait for the 'EDIT' feature before I post any more recipes....
Edited by: Northern Winos
Aw, I'm sorry about the lost recipe.

I will update the recipe as soon as possible.

Again, I'm very sorry about the lost recipe. If you have it typed out on word, you can copy and paste it to me, and I'll post it for you again.

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