WineXpert World vinyard sangeovese

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Senior Member
Oct 3, 2007
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I am new to the kit wines,and usually make mine from fresh,or frozen fruit.
I have madea V.R chainti that turned out good.{I added some stuff to it}
This one is the next on my list,and was wondering If Anyone has made this one,and what they thought of it.Any feedback on it?
Ourfirst wine made from a kit.The Sangiovese turned out excellently. We took everyone in thefamilyeach a bottle at Christmastimelast year. They loved it. We have some in our reserve, just for us and very special bribes.
If you like an Italian red wine, you will like this one. Its up to you how dry or sweet you want to make it. Either way, our friends and family liked it. We back sweetened some of it to 4% for those who do not care for dry wines.