Wonderful Strawberry Wine

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Senior Member
May 30, 2010
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Costa Rica
After bulk aging 4 months and sweetening to semi dry, bottled 3 months ago, the results are outstanding. Used 28#'s strawberries. Fermented to 11%. Bouquet is pure strawberry and aftertaste is strawberry. Tastes like a great white wine with strawberry accents.
How many gallons? Did you use anything like bananas or raisins? I used bananas and my strawberry wine is bitter.

I did a 50/50 mix of strawberries and peaches. It has turned out wonderful. Thinking today I should make another batch before the first batch is gone.

Glad to hear it turned out well.
Did you use one from the recipe section here or was it one of your own that you might be willing to post? A number of posts indicate that strawberry can be tricky and that you should use a LOT of berries
How big a batch was this Wiz? Arent you the one who usually makes Rocket fuel (in our words) LOL?
I like making strawberry rocket fuel, then F-pac and backsweeten and get the Girlies all PLASTERED. Thats why I call it Knock The Panties Off
I made a 6 gallon batch but my recipe was not very dfferent than what is published elsewhere.

28# Fresh Strawberries - hand chopped and frozen
9# sugar to s.g. 1075
Pasteur Champagne yeast
4 gallons water
Acid Blend to .60 (4 tsp.)
Pectic Enzyme - 2.5 tsp.
Yeast Nutrient - 6 tsp.
Tannin - 1 tsp.
K-meta - 1/4 tsp.
Final ABV - 11.0%

Bulk aged 3 months and aged 3 more months in bottles.
Wade, I have made rocket fuel but my hands don't shake as much as they used to do and I have learned to refrain from overdoing it on the sugar. The main problem I have found is drinking too much of the product while making the wine.
Glad you have come aroun to the lighetr side. It just taste better this way IMO!
I agree that it does taste better, although, I still go heavier on my blackberry to the tune of 13+%.