WMT (Unofficial) Welch's Wine Competition

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I still have absolutely no idea who to ask to be our judges this time around. I had foolishly hoped for volunteers. I think the "Welch's" part might have scared them off!

I bet if we had a En Primeur contest, judges would come crawling out of the woodwork. :)
I still have absolutely no idea who to ask to be our judges this time around. I had foolishly hoped for volunteers. I think the "Welch's" part might have scared them off!

I bet if we had a En Primeur contest, judges would come crawling out of the woodwork. :)

I've never tasted Welches wine. I can volunteer to be a neutral party. Especially if it gets me "an in" for the En Primeur contest. :)

I'm not near any other members though. So logistically, it could be a challenge. Unless everyone wants to come to DC. :D
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See! I told you! :)

You are in, Jim. Thank you for volunteering.

We still need one more...
I've never tasted Welches wine. I can volunteer to be a neutral party. Especially if it gets me "an in" for the En Primeur contest. :)

I'm not near any other members though. So logistically, it could be a challenge. Unless everyone wants to come to DC. :D

Poor guy must be so starved for wine due to his Lenten observance.... ::
I still have absolutely no idea who to ask to be our judges this time around. I had foolishly hoped for volunteers. I think the "Welch's" part might have scared them off!

I bet if we had a En Primeur contest, judges would come crawling out of the woodwork. :)

If I had better sommelier skills, I'd volunteer. Then again, how much of a sommelier do you have to be for Welch's (not that I knock anybody's anything wine). I suppose if you really NEED someone, I'm in.
Er...right. Welches Competition. Excuse me while I wander down to the basement to try and find that carboy...
Don't believe mine will be ready by May. Basement has been too cold this winter and things have been progressing, but really slow. Probably try for the next one. Good luck to all who finish and enter. Arne.
I'll volunteer to be a judge. Let me know if you need me and I'll forward my address...Arne, I wouldn't worry too much. Enter it will be good..
If Johnt is really gonna be a judge we need to all chip in and get him a iron stomach. He's gonna need it after drinking all that welches. :D

pfffffft. just when you think a thread is dead........

i remember an episode of the simpsons where homer judges a chilli cook off. he took a table candle and coated is mouth with hot wax. amazing how one can find the perfect idea!
Gina, I was hoping you would join one of our contests. I find you very creative.

Doug, you are in for judging this one. Thanks for volunteering! I need a PM from you and Jim with your home 20, and I'll feed it to the contestants as needed.

Aren: No worries, my man! You can shoot for the next one.

Mine have advanced to the bottling stage. I think the Cherry Palm will be my entery, but you never know. :n
Gina, I was hoping you would join one of our contests. I find you very creative.

Thanks for the compliment, made me smile Dave. I actually did make one but I started too late, then it got bottled, now it's pretty much gone except for a few I have stocked back. Even young, it was pretty darn good, cant wait to see what becomes once it sits properly.

I can't find my exact recipe, but if I recall correctly,this is somewhere in the ballpark for 6 gal:

18 cans Welch's white grape peach concentrate
1 bag 48 oz Wal-Mart frozen tropical fruit blend (pineapple, mango, strawberries and papaya) minus the strawberries because I needed them for something else
2 tsp pectic enzyme
1 tsp yeast energizer
Red Star Pasteur Champagne yeast
Sugar to 1.085 sg ( I can't remember how much it was)
Water to 6 gal


Plop concentrate in primary add water to 3gal. Fruit goes in "DB" presser bag. Stir between addition of pectic, energizer, and nutrient.

Melt sugar to simple syrup in water. Add simple syrup to fermenter, then fill water to 6 gal.

Let sit overnight covered.

The next day I rehydrated the yeast, and "fed" it 2 oz of must every 15 mins for 1 hour. (this has pretty much become common practice for me). Add the yeast starter to primary.

Stir and squeeze bad daily til SG is under 1.000, move to secondary.


Started 2/1/14
Pitched 2/2/2014
2/3/2014 SG = 1075 Squeeze bag & stir
2/4/2014 SG =1.010 Squeeze bag & stir
2/5/2014 SG =1.003 Squeeze bag & stir
2/6/2014 SG =1.000 Squeeze bag & stir
Removed bag and racked to secondary 2/7/2014 SG =0.994
Let sit to 2/28/2014 SG 0.994 Stabilized, back sweetened (2 additional cans of concentrate and a bit of water heated to melt sugar), and sparkolloided
Bottled 3/7/2014

Apparently I didn't write down the FG reading either. I HAVE to get more anal retentive with that.

It's beyond me why it fermented so quickly, but it did. Also it cleared out like a beast. I was making an attempt at using a basic recipe, mixed with DB technique. Apparently it worked... it's gone.
Thanks for sharing your notes, Gina. It benefits us all to see how others do it.

If yours is "pretty good", then you should send it in this time around. I don't think mine qualifies for that much praise. I'm sure mine will improve over time as well, but we're being judged on our young wines.

You made yours within the timeframe, so if you want, you can send it in. Just let me know. It's all for fun anyway. And all the bragging rights you can stand!
Thanks for sharing your notes, Gina. It benefits us all to see how others do it.

If yours is "pretty good", then you should send it in this time around. I don't think mine qualifies for that much praise. I'm sure mine will improve over time as well, but we're being judged on our young wines.

You made yours within the timeframe, so if you want, you can send it in. Just let me know. It's all for fun anyway. And all the bragging rights you can stand!

Yeeeeaaaahhh, went and checked on it today I have a few bottles left but I think I'd be embarrassed. Ya see, I don't have any filtration system yet, and it's not as clear as I'd like it to be. Hopefully I'll have enough saved back after I work next Saturday to get my AIO ordered.

So, methinks polite pass. I'll be looking out for future opportunities though.
Listen to the doctor. He knows best. How much more Chi Pass can you get than Welch's wines? Seriously! :h

Anyway, since I'm considering actually sending in my cherry pomegranate, I had to redo the label. I just wasn't happy with it. This one is much better, IMO.

Oh, send it in. I'll bet there is some cloudiness in a bunch of ours.

I'll mull it over.

Listen to the doctor. He knows best. How much more Chi Pass can you get than Welch's wines? Seriously! :h

Anyway, since I'm considering actually sending in my cherry pomegranate, I had to redo the label. I just wasn't happy with it. This one is much better, IMO.


1) I may well just listen to the dr. :) When are they due and how many would I need? I was considering just chucking one in your general direction when we're up in your area next month.

2) Believe me, I could get more Chi Pass than Welch's... Foraging dandelions, picking my brother and dad's berries this summer.. Going to Wal-Mart Monday after Easter to pick up 1/2 price Easter candies for candy wines.. I am really major into sales shopping, couponing, cash-back apps, rebating, etc. We grew up dirt poor, so it's been engrained into my very being.

3) Oooh! I don't think any of my local stores carry Welch's Cherry/Pom. I recently bottled up an Old Orchard Cherry Pom from frozen concentrate that I am IN LOVE with! I did the Blueberry/Pom previously and I wasn't as fond of the blueberry taste then I noticed Meijer had several more Old Orchard Flavors. Not to mention Meijer also very frequently has them on sale 10 for $10 and get the 11th free, plus I get coupons for $1 off 4, so base price on juice for it is like $14 for 6 gal. Yep that's how I roll.

Just because I'm proud of my cherry/pom label and it totally reminds me of an ex-but-still-friends who has recently come back into my life: Hahaha, my inner nerd wouldn't let me touch Mythology without using Greco/Roman text/fonts.

cherry persephone.jpg

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