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Senior Member
Mar 8, 2012
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Ive been in Asia for two weeks now and the only decent glass of wine I got was in the business.lounge or on the plane. Singapore and Bangkok don't have a wine culture and it's all overpriced and not great.

I can only imagine how many glasses I will have on the 19 hour non stop flight back! Watery beer just isn't good enough!!
I can only imagine how many glasses I will have on the 19 hour non stop flight back!

Would depend on the bathroom situation for me - enough to sleep, but not enough to run a marathon on an airplane :)
I just might have to spend the next month in Singapore, China, if my boss decides. While working 12 hours a day I am sure, finding a nice wine shop/lounge will be a welcome relief. Hope such exists over there where I can find it.
A friend recently visited his son in Singapore and highly recommended touring the Tiger Brewery there.

I'll check it out, if I have to make the trip over there. Hopefully I won't have to go. Trips like that are fun for about the first 2 or 3 days. After that it is just waiting to get home. A month is a long-g-g-g-g-g time.
I traveled extensively in my job during my career and one thing that I learned was not to order a liquor or wine in a country that is not noted for that liquor or wine. For example, in China they try to make a whiskey, same thing in Japan and I was under-whelmed. I wanted to drink some local stuff so as not to offend my hosts, so I drank beer in China, Hong Kong and Singapore and Sake in Japan and I was happy. Now when I traveled to Europe, wow! Wines in Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal and France were great but I stayed away from hard liquor unless I recognized the label as either American or Great Britain. When I had visitors in the States from Japan, they loaded up on Red wien, J. Walker Black Label and as much beef as they could eat. I guess they saw those items as our long suits.

Like Robie says, the first few days are okay but after that it is a pain. I had most problems with the food in China, where, in the hinterlands, everything was a greenish grey color and all tasted the same.
Singapore is a lovely city state (not part of China) with an excellent food culture. Wine is available mostly from Australia but is expensive. If you are here for a month I'd recommend bringing a few bottles and seeing if you can find a few reasonable bottles at duty free for sipping in the hotel room.
I'm here working on Marina Bay Sands resort which is worth a look. The pool is cantilevered off the top of the 54 story hotel towers!
Roadpupp, what exactly do you do for a living if you dont mind me asking?

I am a consultant to architects on energy use and specifically architectural lighting systems and design.

I help architects make their buildings dramatic, functional and energy efficient as much as possible with thier asthetic goals in mind. I used to do theatre lighting and went back to school 10 years ago to do more permanent design work (builidings instead of shows).

I am a consultant to architects on energy use and specifically architectural lighting systems and design.

I help architects make their buildings dramatic, functional and energy efficient as much as possible with thier asthetic goals in mind. I used to do theatre lighting and went back to school 10 years ago to do more permanent design work (builidings instead of shows).

sounds like a fun job!! :) hope you find a nice glass soon
I'll have to back Roadpupp up on this one. Chinese wine is awful, at least what I've had. I've had two different bottles, and both only resembled wine in that they were red. The bottle for the second one was very pretty though, etched glass with a cool label. Too bad it was a label for swill.