WineXpert Winexpert quality control

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Senior Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
I think I can see why George no longer carries Winexpert! The last 2 kits I purchased from a local wine store were lacking ingredients! One was lacking the F-Bag and the last one didn't have any yeast package. Not a big thing but it makes you wonder about their quality control!
I have started 72 kits in the last 3 or so years and all have had the correct amount of additives. I have had leaky bags in RJS and MM kits, but never with the 43 WE kits. Maybe I'm just lucky so far...
I think these mfgs. do what they have to QC,IS NOT THEIR BIGGEST SUIT,I had 2 fpacs in the last kit I bought it didnt' state anything in the instruction about that ,but there you are,sign of the times I guess..
Mistakes happen! None of the kit makers are exempt. It's a pain when it happens, but I know George will always make it right and I'm sure the other LHBS's will, also.