Wine Toys

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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2008
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I did not get any wine toys this year. I am giving wine toys, however we will not be opening any of them untill next week end. So if you got any and have time to post pics. Lets see them!!( I always have more fun with everyones else's toys. )
We got a ph Meter and a VinBrite filter from friends last week.....[Love the ph meter, test every bottle we open....Haven't filtered yet....]

Last night we got a $100 gift certificate from friends at our tiny LHBStore...[going to clue her in about FVWines by next year]

Today we got a wine bottle caddy....

Life is Good!!!
We are blessed with such wonderful friends and neighbors.
Is that your lingo for a bottle tree, do you have a sulfiter yet NW, if so does it fit on top of the tree?I received 2 cases of Belissima bottles from my parents today which will go to good use as I have a ton of dessert wines going. Way more then I bargained for. i bought a peach ice wine and that kit had a pretty good amount missing so that kit was replaced and I made up the difference on the first kit with Welches Niagara, then my Orange chocolate port kit came with the wrong f-pack but was labeled right so didnt know reall what happened till after I added it so supposedly they are sending me a new 1 but not sure as the emails they send are few and far apart. I bought my own toy this year, its a wine pump/degasser/filter unit.

So how werwe the results so far on the ph's NW?
I do have a sulfiter and really like it....The trouble with all these toys is you need space to store them.....

There were actually 2 wine bottle caddies for gifts this year..[one came earlier]....One is a box with a handle that you carry 2 bottles to a party [Hello? Only 2 bottles?] The other is a steel little man that holds one bottle for display on the table....guess he will be our Wine Butler.

When tested....The wines are pretty much running in the mid 3's. The wine from our own grapes which I always think is very acidy is 3.2...The Garlic/Apple/Orange and Lemon Juice wine was 4.1.....So, they aren't too bad.

I think the only room in this house without wine making supplies, equipment, empty bottles...etc. is our bedroom....Lots of wasted space under that bed.
I thought you stored wine away there under the bed? Maybe not though, you are supposed to keep it away from vibration- maybe Jim snores a lot. Yeah that's what I meant.
The spare bedroom has wine under the bed on a cement/tile well as wine stacked beside the bed and juice for wines on the other side of the bed. That room may have intermittent vibrations.

Not many vibrations in our room...just the dogs jumping around....
Unless your on that medication but thats another story and another forum!
wade said:
Unless your on that medication but thats another story and another forum!

Wade...I do really vibrate and shake on the Chemo meds and the Dexamethasone....

But, as of late I am just getting by on LIFE!!!

What kind of toys was this thread about anyway????