Wine thief....literally!

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Senior Member
Jan 30, 2009
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Saturday I had a half case of Peach Chardonnay in the backseat of my car I was taking to a party after work. About 15 minutes before we closed the shop I work at, one of my coworkers told me someone broke into my car!
I went out and sure enough, someone smashed my passenger side window and stole my wine! Not my $200 sunglasses, my usb drive, my credit cards, purse, PSP....MY WINE!!!
Someone really wanted them some Peach Chardonnay!

Worst part is probably not the loss of the wine but the insurance claim and the deductible.....

Guess you better start hiding the wine!
Now you know that stuff is better then gold!
That's as bad as the 2 guys running from the police and jumping a fence - into a prison.
You have $200 sunglasses?
Bummer about the break in, thievin &#@*&#'s. It's good stuff so they will be back for more, then ya gottem!
Luckily I have glass coverage on my insurance so it didn't cost me anything. Its mostly the hassle that irks me. That and I'm pretty sure they won't be bringing me my empty bottles back.
Sorry to hear about your break in, but now you can tell everyone that your wine is so good that people steal for it....
. I have to tell this though, a couple of year ago my wife and I were staying at a B & B in Galveston, when about 3 A.M. we heard glass breaking. Needless to say, someone had broken our back door glass out. When the police arrived, the only thing we could find missing was my wife's bible. It was in one of those covers that we guessed looked like a purse to the thief. Kind of like your situation, no money taken from the ashtray, CDs still there, etc. The next morning the owner of the B&B and myself walked around the neighborhood hoping to find it thrown down(assuming the thief found out it was not a purse), and we did, a few houses down the street, lying on a step, like it had never been touched. We guessed that sometimes even a thief has some conscience.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Hope they catch whoever stole it.
BikerShannon said:
Luckily I have glass coverage on my insurance so it didn't cost me anything. Its mostly the hassle that irks me. That and I'm pretty sure they won't be bringing me my empty bottles back.


You're "pretty sure" they won't be bringing your bottles back, huh?

If your wine is good enough, they might bring 'em back and ask for a refill!
I hate to "blame the victim", but it seems you should have been more careful with your case of wine. You ought to keep your wine next to you or in sight at all times - don't worry about the purse, it's not nearly as valuable.

Incidentally, have you got any theories about who it could have been? A thief who specifically goes for a half case of wine is either (a) a sophisticated burglar who mistakenly believes all wine is expensive and can be sold for a lot of $$$, (b) a pathetic drunk who just needed his "fix", or most likely, (c) someone who knew how good your wine was because they had a taste before (like a co-worker who knew you would be inside for another 15 minutes when he/she broke in)...
Bart, We're pretty sure it was this group of kids that smoke behind our dumpsters. The police got some good fingerprints but didn't find a match. As for coworkers, they know all they have to do is say 'wine' and I give it to them. I give away 75% of what I make!
So sorry to hear of's frustrating to say the least.

BUT....on the bright side, at least it WASN'T your credit cards and your purse........that would have been a much bigger headache!

Hope they do find out who did it.....Maybe if it's the kids, they'll post something on their FB page???