Wine Tasting Party !!

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Senior Member
Nov 30, 2008
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I would like everyone to wish us well, for tonight we are hosting our first ever Kennell Estates Wine tasting party!!!

Barb & I went through our wine cellar, did an inventory, & decided that with 26 wines mature enough to drink it was time for a party!!!


I'm still here!!! NO hangover... was just out all day yesterday.... With church, then clean up after the party and then the gospel group I'm in had a concert at 6 last night.

FIRST & FOREMOST I must appologize to all that did not receive an invitation...... you just can't find good help these days!!!

Waldo, I guess you don't know the crowd I run with They're either hillbillys or rednecks and darn proud of it !!!

The party went better than I could even have imagined. We had 23 guests, some were friends of family members that I had not ever met. I asked everyone to be brutally honest about what they thought of the wines. As with anything like this some wines were more popular than others, but all in all I got very good reviews on my wines. All had comment sheets & did a good job of telling me what they thought of the wines and why.

We served cheese & crackers, a couple different cheeseballs, a meat tray & fresh fruit tray allowing everyone time to clense their pallate if needed.

On the way home from the party my wife stated that she just figured out why I wanted to have a party. She said I told you awhile back that you didn't need to make anymore wine untill we got rid of some of our surplus. She stated......SO now I bet you think you need to start more wines. I replied very quickly Noooooo.........That never even crossed my mind.... untill now.......

AS soon as someone can explain to an idiot how to post pics on here I'll get some posted. I've tried several time and failed

Sounds like a good time was had by all! I think all of us give a bunch away just so we can make more!
To post a pic, remember its a 2 part process now. You have to upload it first, then you have to insert the pic into a post.
When you upload a pic you will get an ERROR 500 message that looks like it has failed to upload. Ignore it. Close the pop up window and then hit the photo icon again. This time the pic should be in your lists of pics that you have uploaded. You have 10MB of storage space so you now have to maintain that space. If you max it out you can't upload anymore pics. You have to go into the storage maintenance area and delete some pics if your box is full before you can upload more.
Thats it. Give it a try, you may already have a bunch of pics uploaded and just didn't realize you were successful!

fivebk said:
AS soon as someone can explain to an idiot how to post pics on here I'll get some posted. I've tried several time and failed
I can't find a list anywhere that shows what I uploaded. can't see if it needs cleared if I can't find it
I tried what you said several times & still nothing. Had the wife try, same thing. It's like it doesn't upload an image at all. I do get the 500 error code though

Yep, thats what it says but the picture uploaded to your file box.
If you click on the picture icon once again you should see it available for insertion into a post now.
I find it easier to upload pics to a free account, photobucket, imageshack then post the link back here as an image. I'll see if I can get a write up together on the process
Bob, the party looks like it went well. I must have lost my invitation. LOL The bar is pretty cool. I am assuming those are your great looking children in the pictures on the wall.
Very nice Bob! Were those all yours!?!

Love that bar and the fact you have a great big smile on your face in that one shot! :br
Dan, I have grandkids that old!!!! We had the party at my youngest daughters photography studio.

Yep Mike, those were all my wines. There were 3 melomels, 1 Cyser & 2 more wines at home that did not get sampled. As of right now there are 3 new wines fermenting in the spare bedroom/wine room.

The smile must have been from all the good comments I was receiving!!!!