Wine tastes fizzy

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Jul 11, 2006
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I noticed one of the corks had come out partially. Opened the bottle and the bubbles flowed! Tasted it and it tastes like champagne. All of the bottles in this batch look to have the same problem. Can I put it all pack in the carbol and fix the problem? Help-it tastes good but I prefer wine. thank you kathy

We probably need some more information. If you didn't properly de-gass it then yes you can put it back in the carboy.

If you sweetened it prior to bottling and it had a secondary fermentation it may need potassium sorbate to stop the fermentation.

Please provide some more details.

I added sugar and the corked, remembered that I did not add potassium sorbate, uncorked, added potassium sorbate, rebottled and corked. Someone told me to just drink it fast that nothing could be done but maybe someone has had this problem and solved it. help please

Potassium sorbate won't kill the yeast. What it does is to keep it from budding and multiplying so that what yeast was there at the time of adding the sorbate will still keep on doing it's thing until it dies a natural death. There just won't be any new yeast. That's why you would normally sorbate and then wait a few weeks to bottle.
While adding sorbate along with the proper amount of sulfite will prevent fermentation it will not stop it.Between the time you added the sugar and bottled and then uncorked before adding the sorbate the fermentation of the sugar must have started.

You could return the batch to a carboy (making sure you top off the carboy well to reduce airspace) and let it complete fermenting the sugar you added. Then stabilize again and add more sugar and re-bottle. I would strongly suggest adding more sulfite to the wine also.

What is your total volume and type of it a kit wine?