Wine On Tap

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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2009
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I had several questions on bottling and bottle selection I was planning on posting. Read through old threads; you fine friends are great; every question any one could ever come up with has already been throughly answered. Even the elusive "What the Heck are Punts, and Why are they important?". (The answer I understood; was to frustrate the bottling experience so much, you just drink all the wine)

I would love to use the Wine On Tap kits as my main bottling solution for the Mist Kits. My frustrating experience with the first one I tried is similar to the posting by PeterZ 18June2007. Including running out of towels trying to cleanup the mess. I did manage to get the sink filled bag back in the container, after washing everything down. I would have included a link but didn't know how.

Except, in my trying to understand the instructions, I broke the $5 little $.02 plastic thingy that holds it all together. (PeterZ didn't mention doing that)

My plans were to re-engineer the packaging as soon as the bag is empty, so I can get the dimensions of the bag. Thanks PeterZ for including the exact deminsions in your post.

Remaining question, is a update from PeterZ if you followed up with a re-engineered solution; or has any one else.

I plan on finding a more suitable container size, that fits the bag as well as fitting my refrigerator space better. Also a more robust closure.
No, I haven't done any re-engineering. I gave the whole package to my daughter, and now my solution to making wine for her is to put some of it in beer bottles for smaller quantities. In addition, I bought her a wine saver.
Thanks for the update Peter. Since I hung up my slide rule, I don't do any real engineering. I just go for the design build concept, who needs drawings, part list, etc. anyway. I will update, as I go. Other opinions and experience would still be appreciated to help finalize the "Perfect Solution."