Wine Labels

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wine maker1

Dec 30, 2006
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We would like to make our own wine labels for this years batch. My son is good with a computer and can certainly create the label, but does anyone have any recommendations regarding what paper to use for the label, how to stick it to the bottle and where to get it.

Wine Maker
Joan has a real nice label maker that I believe she got from a website
called www.JoAnn. It prints out preglossed labels with adhesive already
on them. Otherwise George sells Label paper on his this forum too!
Georges are either peel and stick or gummed, just wet and stick. Not
sure which one or if both. Good luck!
We just print on good quality printer paper, cut them out and use glue sticks. The labels stick well, but when it's time to take them off to reuse the bottles, a little water wets the glue and off they come. No scraping, no fuss, no muss.
I also use quality paper and a glue stick. The glue stick allows the labels to come right off for the next run. The colors will run if they get wet, but you should be able to set them with some artist's spray or hair spray.
I have used Avery, Office Max and WalMart brand shipping labels...but then found out about plain paper and glue sticks for the big problem with clean up....

I use a small sticky address labels for my 'No Deposit-Please Return Bottle' well as the 'WARNING....Drinking wine may cause intercourse' label that goes on special bottles for special people.Edited by: Northern Winos
Northern Winos, I didn't know that! Is there a special additive in those bottles? I don't think my bottles have that!
I use Avery 8164 for my labels, and I make them in publisher. They are a pain to take off, but so easy to stick them on. I have a dandy little razor blade window paint scraper ($1.50 at Home Depot) soak the bottles over night, and comes right off...

js, I agree with wade, you're not drinking enough.
For wines that I am pleased with, I use glossy photo paper, 6 ML, or 44 pound, and print it on my photo printer, glue them with a glue stick. For my so so wines, I print on plain paper, labels, whatever is cheap and easy. For my poor wines, but I say what the heck, bottle it and in a year or two ya never know, I use an indelible marker right on the glass
I have designed quite a few labels but have never printed one out yet.
So what are you putting on your bottles, Wade? Heck, if I can design a label I'm sure going to use it?
I just never got around to it but I will soon. I have peeled all the
old labels off the champagne bottles and will do from now on.
I usually let George print mine on the label paper (with his nice color laser printer...). However, you can buy the plain label paper for a few cents per sheet and print your own.

Usually though, I use milk as a glue to stick plain paper labels on when I make something George doesn't do labels for -- it works great and is very easy to get off at recycling time. I simply dip the label in a little saucer of milk (sort of try to just float the label on the surface to wet the whole backside) and then proceed as with the regular wet and stick labels. Cheep and easy.
I think that it was Joan that said to use milk to glue the
lables on
I tried skim milk and it didn't work, so I tried whole milk and so far it is holding good. I do use the glue stik too
Silly question.....doesn't the milk sour/stink??? I have never heard of this before.....
I have heard of this milk adhesive on another forum and they just
dampen a paper towel with the milk and dab it onto the back of the
It is the casein in the milk that makesthe label stick, I believe. You need some milk solids for it to work, so whole milk works a lot better than skim. They used to make paint out of milk also.