wine kit vs. apple cider

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Senior Member
Oct 31, 2005
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Just an observation:

This apple cider is bubbling away like gangbusters. The kits seem to bubble for a day or 2 then fizzle out a bit. The cider has a thick layer of bubbles on top, been like that since Saturday, and is making a whole lot of noise. It sounds like I have those little "Rice Crispy" dudes trapped in their...snap...crackel...pop.

I plan making a chocolate flavored wine one of these days...all I need is a couple of UmpaLoompa's....I'll check on E-bay.

Oh Earl! I'm going to call Willy Wonka on you!
earl said:
The cider has a thick layer of bubbles on top, been like that since Saturday, and is making a whole lot of noise.

When I've made apple wine, I know it has always had a thick layer of foam on top during the peak of fermentation. It sounds like it is going along just fine!
Apple cider really works a lot and does form a lot of foam, more or less depending on the yeast used-either high foaming or low foaming turn out fine. Wait until you rack it to the secondary to see a nice full carboy full of ...... well..... errrrr ..... for lack of a better expression... bucket full of puss!
. Also you might want to wait a good long time to try a sample since it takes a good year to age- usually more.

Good Luck!
"Bucket full of puss!"

I just found my new wine label.


Today I racked from Primary to the secondary. The SG was 1.000 at 64 degrees. I took a taste and it was suprisingly good. Not in a "Well it has potential" good, but in a "Give me another drink!" good.

I am going to start another batch on Saturday and this time not put in quite so much sugar. Maybe only a pound for 3 gallons, not 2 lbs.

So here is a question: I have not used any Kmeta at all in the must or when I racked it to the secondary. I talked to a guy at a local brew shop and he said it wouldn't need any if I did not keep it for more than 6 you agree?? I know the Kmeta is used to kill natural yeast when put in the must but if I am using Apple juice from the store isn't that pasturized, and wouldn't that kill the bacteria and any wild yeast in the juice? The stuff I purchased is a Kroger brand and it did not have any Kmeta or perservatives in it.

I would go ahead and add it earl. It will help protect your wine and no need taking any chances. It will have no effect on the taste of your wine.
Well I bottled the Hard Apple Cider this morning. It tasted GREAT right out of the Carboy. I primed the bottles with a mixture of frozen concentrated apple juice and sugar. Of course I melted the juice and sugar together. I have a feeling I added too much sugar and will have regrigerate tha bottles after a week to stop the carbonation.

Waldo...I decided not to add any kmeta because I only had it in the Secondary for 4 days. I sparkled the whole batch and no Kmeta should be necessary for that. I am going to pop one open on Wednesday and see how it is "aging."
