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Glad you got some rains NW. We are actually going on a couple weeks with very little rain. It is speeding up ripening.

Yes the rain will drop the brix, temporarily. If you have a quart of water and have a cup of sugar in it, you will have a set brix. If you keep the same sugar and add another half quart of water, the brix drops. It's the same principal. You get more juice but a lower brix- same amount of sugar though. As they mature, it comes up more again.

Just tried to Upload a photo of the Sancherries I juiced today using Chrome instead of PhotoBucket....

Let's see if it worked....

YEEE-HAWW!!!! Isn't that a treat!!!!Edited by: Northern Winos
Finally NW! No ,ore dble work for you. I never had a problem with Firefox other then a little slow but I hated IE. glad you can finally save a step here.
The grapes are really ripening quickly....a good thing as they say the temps might get into the 30's tonight....
That's a shocker!!!!


The young Aronia [Chokeberry] plants grew well this summer..

The older plant had a few berries and they really tend to hang onto the plant well, that will make for good harvesting in a few years...


Apples are ripening...that is those that didn't blow off the trees...


So, we get to harvest a few fruits....Hope the weather cooperates.
Looking good as usual NW except for that 1 apple in the upper left side of the picture. Looks like a bug has hollowed it out and made a home.
(Psst Wade- I think that is the shadow of a leaf!)

It won't be long and the grapes and apples will be all tucked away for the autumn, and then made into juice, wine and applesauce, etc. You are getting around well taking lots of pictures. Hope you are feeling more energetic and can begin to sleep.
No...Wade is right....except it's birds pecking at them.

I had been feeding Orioles all summer, now they brought the youngin's back. I caught them out tattering the sweet corn, put out my scarecrow and they moved on. Then had seen a flock of them out in Jim's field corn....Not sure what is eating the apples, birds for sure. Something has eaten most of the remaining Sandcherries....Hope they stay out of the grape netting....

Soon the Cedar waxwings will be along to eat the Mountian Ash and whatever else they can get to.

This is usually my week to feel good....I am usually a little low key from not being loaded up on 'roids'...but this week I haven't been feeling that great...can't eat or sleep...lost more weight. I go in on Tuesday so will have to figure this out. The drugs are suppose to attack the blood and starve the well as attacking some good stuff a long with it. So...something is going on...Lets hope the Chemo is working.
Hope all goes well Northern....Nice pictures...Just love looking at them and dreaming...thanks..
Pssst Richard, I think you are starting to need a thicker pair of glasses!


Edited by: wade
Good Luck Swill....guess we just got to take our medicine and what ever side effects come with it.
I think you 2 need a hug from all of us here on this forum! This is from all of us!
NW and Swill too, a friend with leukemia told me that everytime he threw up, he figured he was getting rid of the bad stuff. And everytime he felt rotten, he knew the chemo was killing the bad stuff and the worse he felt, the more killin' he figured was going on!

Hang in there! WE'RE WITH YOU!!

Edited by: OilnH2O
I am so envious of all you guys with your high Brix grapes.....Mine are just staying about the same....But the weather has been cool and got another 1.28" of rain a couple nights ago....more rain tomorrow....Wish these rains came in July.

Suppose to be in the 70's+ next week , so hopes of better ripening for both the grapes and tomatoes.....Need a couple more weeks of good weather least....
Heres to hoping your grapes hang in there to a very ripe age long with you!!!!!!
Had another ¾" of rain over the weekend...and, very cool temperatures....

Late yesterday PM it cleared off and late in the evening they said we could have patchy fog and scattered frost.....
I had a sleepless night thinking about all those grapes and tomatoes unprotected.....It got a little hazy after midnight and only got down to 41* we got through without frost okay....

Suppose to have a nice week ahead.....that's if you call 70's+ nice and nights in the 45-50's....At least some sunshine is predicted.

Still hoping to get some ripe grapes...One variety has turned nicely and will possibly yield some fruit.... Other varieties are probably too late for this year....will see what the coming weeks bring....

So it goes.
Here's hoping you get a few more weeks before all the cold weather so you can get lots of grapes ripe to make lots of juice to make into lots of wine.

It only got down to 75 by morning and kept dropping all day long. It feels much better today than yesterday with 93 degrees. It should be much easier to sleep toight, especially without the 50 mph wind gusts all night.
Had beautiful weather the past few days and maybe another week of it ahead....

Went out and checked on the Wine Garden...

The 'Living Snow Fence' aka row of Nanking Cherries might not catch much snow this year....but they did fairly well considering their location and soil.


The few Elderberries that produced will never be ready....Hopefully with time the plants will become productive. Anxious to see if the Native ones from the County will be earlier and productive.


The Everbearing Strawberries are producing, but covered with slug-slime and boring little beatles...Picked a few for Sunday breakfast, but had to really go through them good....

The Swenson Red grapes are turning red, but far from ripe...Edelweiss are starting to taste good....


The Louise Swenson have a little bit of fruit and getting a little transparent...


Beta Grapes are starting to turn color, but are later....


Valiant Grapes are turning fast...tho there are a few rouge hard green berries on some clusters...


Some of the younger Valiant vines have some ripe and sweet fruit...turning raisin like..the yellow jackets and beatles are finding them....So, think I will have to selective harvest some of them soon, going to dig out the refractometer...


So it goes in the Wine Garden of the far North.