Wine Consent Form

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Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Arizona
So I've had a few people mention my wine affecting them a little more than they're used to and asking if it's a little stronger than commercial wine (of course it's the same). But it got me thinking of putting together a little folded neck tag to add to bottles I'm giving to people with a good sense of humor. I stole some text from the web, wrote a little myself and maybe shared a little personal insight at the same time. Who says wine drinkers are snobs....

The image is low res but the printed version is not.

That is awesome. I had to re-create it for some of my bottles. Hope you don't mind.
Now you attach it. :)

I recreated it in Word but thanks again for posting. It is an awesome tag.
Thanks for the attachment Mike, will get some chuckles out of it!
OMG that's so funny thanks for sharing . I needed a good laugh today .
Dude, so true!!!

I will have to sign one of these before I drink my own wine. This is great!!!

How so ever, it is true that my wines tend to be over the norm when it comes to ABV and a warning might be best forthcoming before, rather than after the fact, so the innocent may be forewarned.:)

Beano Joe
Well done. This gives me a great idea for use as a back label on the bottles.