Wine/Beer - Fridge or Freezer?

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Nov 10, 2011
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Hi all,

Back with you after a couple years! Been a bit crazy, got married, moved, got some stepkids, etc but it's been great. Finally carving out a wine/beer making area in the basement and getting ready to get back to the hobby. I do wine and beer (more wine), want to be able to cold stabalize the wine and do lagers once in a while, but I don't know if I need a fridge or a freezer? Looking on craigslist, either can be had for under $100 but which would be best for both applications?

Thanks in advance!

Hello Mike,
welcome back ... I got a little freezer and added a controller to maintain 25 - 28 degrees. It work great for one carboy at a time. LINKIt's $169 I got it on sale for $139 ...
I think the key to cold stabilizing is to get it colder then you will ever get it in the bottle. This is sort of a mystery subject. I don't think there is one solid answer.
I have a small chest freezer similar to the one in the link that I like for that purpose.
Iude afridge since I don't have another controller for the freezer.
So it sounds like it could go either way. I guess to get down as cool as I want, I'll go with a freezer and hope I can get it up enough for a lager.

iam converting a full sizefridge for a kegorator. i can store glasses in the freezer compartment. it is large enouge for 2 5 gallon kegs . i cal lager in one of the kegs if i want or put wine in one also. A small chest freezer has room for more kegs or a fermenter/carboy.
ill post a link wher guys are converting freezers--this link does not sell mdise. it is in australiathere is info on both refrigerators and chest freezers--lots of pictures too
I use a fridge. It will hold 2 carboys with room for bottles of beer. Then i still have the freezer compartment for glasses and other stuff. I could never lift a carboy in/out of a chest freezer unless it was standing on its side.
Hubby converted a 7 cf freezer that holds 5 kegs. He put a device to control the temps, the same type he put on the small dorm fridge he uses to ferment. I'd post the link but the pics have disappeared since the forum moved.