Wine bag

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I would think as long as you want to keep it in the bag as long as the temp stays good. Can't tell if the bag is clear or not. If clear keep it out of direct light. If clear it looks very much like the box wines .
Bought one a long time ago. Used it one time and it has been sitting on the shelf ever since. Worked fine. Filled it full of skeeter pee for a party then kind of forgot about it. Arne.
Is it the same type of bag that comes with kit wines?

I asked once before and was told not use them for this purpose because the let air in.
I don't believe they are designed for long term storage, but If I remember right had mine in the refrig. for a month or so til it ran dry. Did not affect the wine much if at all. Course it was only skeeter pee and that stuff is pretty forgiving. Arne.

I would not use them because they are not rigid. Every time you touch it, you would be stirring the wine up. This defeats the whole settling process, stirring any sediment back into the wine. They also look flimsy and I would fear poking a hole in it.
Box wines have those bag in them and they are just fine. I think the box is the key to making the system work.
I have tried (and failed miserably, I might add) aging in these bags. They seem OK for VERY short term storage but not much longer than a month or so.
I have a couple of these with spouts on them that I use. I don't use them for bulk aging or clearing or anything else along those lines. I recently started using them strictly for holding excess wine in an airless environment for topping up my barrel. I pull the bung, turn the knob til the barrel is full, and set it aside til next top up period. This wine is already cleared and bulk aged before going in the barrel. They work well for this application so far.