Wine and Your Health

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Yes, drinking red wine makes you feel good right away...and smarter too....
The article stated that it was the equivalent of 100 bottles or red wine per day.

I'm certainly going to give it a try

My Doctor is always asking me for a bottle of wine. I'm sticking with it.. In moderation of
Ha ha! Yea!
What a great article. How's that for lifestyle justification.

I'm a little concerned about this part though...

Helfand said he won't be taking red wine extract supplements -- but he has put his elderly mother on them. He said he's waiting to see if there are long-term ill effects for humans.

He's experimenting on his elderly mother???
I was watching CNN this am, and they were doing a feature story on this same topic.....
My wife was just diagnosed with a LDL cholesterol of 290! She found an article about the benefits of red Zin for reducing it.

After a hiatus of 20 years, I'm thinking about getting back into wine making again.
Welcome PeterZ,

I know I make and drink lots of wine strictly for health reasons. I also have an issue with high LDL and I wash down my Lipitor with a big glass of Cab or Merlot, or Shiraz or......
Welcome Peter, you choose the right place, some things might have
changed since then but for the better I'm sure. How much experience do
you have. If you need help, we're here, if you can help others, even
better. Glad to have you aboard and hope you get back on the winemaking.
Hi, Masta and Wade,

Back in '83 I made several 1 gallon batches of wine from concentrate. Back then it was just concentrate, water and yeast! In '84 I made 5 gallons of red zin from grapes. I aged that in bulk for about a year (it made the move to Memphis in a glass carboy) and bottled it. It won a red ribbon at the Mid-South Fair in '85.

I'm looking forward to trying it again. Today's concentrates look to be of much higher quality than those of 20 years ago.
I too need to lower my bad numbers a bit. Hhmm.... I should figure out which medicine I'll need to use tonight...

PeterZ, welcome to the forum! There are some fabulous kits out there these days!
Ok just by reading everything in here and well folks I have some bad news ...You all need help.....AA was invented for people like us ...hahaha Now I have to go take my medicine...
I have a suspicion that most of them indeed are.
I'm back after a couple of weeks in Poland (Katowice PWP in case your family hails from there) Had a good time but I'm off sausage and sauerkraut for a while.
bmorosco said:
Ok just by reading everything in here and well folks I have some bad news ...You all need help.....AA was invented for people like us ...hahaha Now I have to go take my medicine...

just remember.....

"An alcoholic doesn’t know why he drinks, I do. I drink to get bagged." -- Jackie Gleason

I do not have an alcohol problem........there's plenty of it in my wine rack
Edited by: Pepere
I am trying to get well stocked up on my meds too..Yesterday was quite the busy day at The Cats Meow Winery. It began at 3am with racking my Plum wines and Black Currant

then bottle washings and santitizing followed by bottling My Green Apple Riesling. I then labeled my Reisling , Campbells Early Grape and Apple/Rasberry that I had bottled last week.

The bottles were leaving the house almost as fast i could get them labeled as friends and neighbors dropped in