Will be gone for about 3 mkonths

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Sep 21, 2010
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I don't post very much but am on each day checking things out. I have never made a kit wine so I can't help there. I make only grape and fruit wines and some vegie wines. Sold my winery alittle over 2 years ago and just do it for fun and close friends now.
The reason I will be off is moving to north east Arkensaw on the Black river.It is a cabin on a bluf bank of the river. The property has 5 plum trees,2 peach trees,2 cherry trees & the woods are full of muskidines and wild persemins. There are an abundance of wild black berries , dew berries & huckel berries. So you can see that I will be busy after I get settled in. We will make our move the 4 th of next month, We took one load down last month and I got pictures but left the camera at my cousins house, He lives just 30 miles from the cabin. So I promice when I get settlede in I will post pictures. The only internet that I can get is a satelite hook up not so sure about it though. This place is realy RUAL. There is a cement boat ramp in frunt of the house. Sorry that I got long winded but I am realy excited about this move. This is an area that my parents grew up and I spent a lot of summers on that river growing up. Now that both of my parents are gone and I no longer need to take care of them I can now move and take care of me and at 73 I think I deserve it. So to all of you my friends take care and make lots of wine till I get back on .
Enjoy, I spent a few years in Rogers AR. it was very nice there, I know the area well. Check in when you can. Glad to see someone else with a heavy k finger...lol
Looking forward to those photos, Ron.

Have yourself a great time out in all that nature. Sounds like a really nice place to spend time. Good for you!
Have fun! My absolute favorite place in the world to be is at my family's camp in Northern Maine (near Moosehead, our camp isn't actually located in an incorporated town). No phone, internet, tv, only a few french-Canadian radio stations! We do have electricity and running water pumped up from the lake. I enjoy every minute of being up there! Attached is a picture taken from the windows facing the water.

Picture 011_2.jpg
Hope the move goes smoothly for you. May you get settled in quickly and begin making all sorks of fruit wine. Keep us up to speed when you get a connection. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Good luck with the move,Ron. We will see you back on here in no time.