WineXpert White Chocolate Port

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Feb 10, 2009
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I am making a 3 gallon batch of White Chocolate Port. It was time for me to degass and add Packet D-1 and D-2. The instructions tell you not to mix the two up, be sure and add D-1 before D-2 or it will not clear properly. Well Iread the packet D-1 so I added it, when I picked up the next packet it said D-1. I look closer at the packet that I just added and it did say D-1 but the line above thatsaid DON'T ADD PACKET D-2 BEFORE. So I called George and asked him what I should do. He said just let itsit and let's seeif it clears. Wellwithin two hours it was total clear. All the lees hadwent to the botton. It should of taken severaldays for it to clear. It looks better then myPeach Wine that has beenclearing for days. Just thought it was interesting and that I would share this with you.
