Which Temp Is Better?

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2006
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While I know I definatley do not have the perfect condiditons, I have to decide which would be the better storage/aging area for my wine. Here are my 2 options. Am I better to:

A] Bulk age in the crawlspace where temps during this winter have fallen to as low as 39*?

B] Bottle and store in my dining room where tems stay between 65-75 all year long.

C] Bulk age in crawl for 6-8 months and then store in the dining room?

Can temps of 39* be too cold? Can it harm the wine at all? I know it will take longer to age, but its not at these temps at all times. However, I dont know what the summer temps will be down there since I never really monitored it.
I was going to use choice C but now that I see it that cold down there I dont know what to do. Thanks.Edited by: JohnnyK68
Wade is correct and you need to avoid fluctuations and I would think the crawlspace would not be a good place since the temperature can't be very constant.

To test you can buy an inexpensive digital thermometer that records the high and low and put it down there and monitor daily for a week or two.

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