WineXpert What's wrong with my basement?

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Apr 12, 2011
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White wines never clear for me. I have made (all WE) Australian Chardonnay, Liebfraumilch (4 and 6 week versions), Luna Bianca and now Eclipse Dry Creek Chardonnay, and none of them ever clear without a second dose of clarifying agents. I always use a brew belt, so I don't think temperature is an issue (24-25 degrees C).
I never have an issue with reds.
Temp to high maybe???

Mine always clear with no issues on time...never use heat...upstairs when making and once the clearing agents are added the carboy goes downstairs...which is usually around 20C...
did you use the betonite recommended in the beginning of the ferment. a protein haze can develop in white wines that can be difficult to clear., the betonite prevents this haze.
I would also ferment at cooler temp, 65 def F or lower to keep aromatics. heat might also be driving the haze.
I agree with the cooler temps and I make a lot of whites and haven't had an issue with any of them not clearing.
I use everything but the sorbate. The first time I had this problem, WineXpert advised me to keep the carboy warm through the 8 day stabilization period.
Thanks Mike. I beat the crap out of it with a drill mounted device, then applied a small amount of vacuum for a couple of days. At this point, it's sucking water out of the airlock, so I think I got it all.
OK, when you say they won't clear how long are you waiting? Sometimes they do take weeks to clear even at 70 degrees F. Just throwing out some more ideas.
OK, when you say they won't clear how long are you waiting? Sometimes they do take weeks to clear even at 70 degrees F. Just throwing out some more ideas.
I'm a little impatient. Step 4 states: "After 8 days your wine will be quite clear. This next racking will help to brilliantly polish it."
I can accept if its not quite clear, but I couldn't see my hand, or a trouble light through the carboy at 9 days, so I re-dosed it. I would quit making whites all together, but my wife likes them, so I'm hooped. Because I have limited space, any delay in one kit, delays the next.
But thanks, I guess I just have to wait:ft
I have the exact same problem with WE whites. Reds always clear. I finally threw in the towel and started using Super-kleer on the whites. Solved the problem.
What's wrong with my basement? ... Because I have limited space, any delay in one kit, delays the next.

That's what's wrong with your basement. You need more space to allow time to help clear your wine.

BTW: A 6 gallon carboy takes up less room than 30 bottles of wine. So, go buy another carboy, and let the wine sit for 6 months to clear.
OK, sounds like 3P's issue. (Patience, patience, patience) I only make whites from LR and Ultra high end kits and I think I can count on 3 fingers the number of whites that were clear in 8 days. It usually takes more like 3-4 weeks to get to crystal clear. I use a red laser (small pen type) and shine it through the glass carboy. When the light on the wall going through both walls of glass looks just like it does going through no glass. The wine is ready to filter or bottle.

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