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I start work at 10AM. This morning I stopped at our neighborhood annual used book sale and bought 54 pocketbooks for 50 cents each. The sale started at 9AM and I was the first one in line when they opened. And I made it to work with a couple minutes to spare. :sm
Stopped and picked up 2 Better Bottles this am. They were out of glass carboys (oh well) and some other misc supplies. Working until 10:45 then heading to lunch with some other forum members....:h
About to head to work. I'll be there till 2:30pm then will be at my other job by 3:00pm.
Getting ready to make my journey down to Pittsburgh to meet other forum members for lunch. Will stop at the wine and tobacco outlet on the way down. Tonight we Will be going to the rib fest if it doesn't rain. Otherwise it will be kabob's on the grill at home.:ib
Taking the disabled seniors to the library today. They are playing musical bells for the community.
Just another day at the office fighting terrorists. Spent most of today getting set up for a Dog and Pony Show tomorrow. Got tired of looking at the neighbors yard so I mowed it. Their renters did a midnight move out six months ago and they haven't even been by to check on it. :slp
Last night I stabilized and degassed the merlot.
Today I'm working a 14 hour shift in one of the houses with the lowest functioning clients. All of them have moderate to profound retardation and all three are incontinent.
Let's just say it's a stinky day today.
Using my new steam juicer for the first time to steam juice 7# of strawberries for an f-pac. It's working great.:br
Just put in 8.5 hours of the most grueling OT I have ever done and its the first time in about 3 years of doing sme OT. Glued up 2 curved stringers for 2 all Cherry spiral stairs that wrapped inside a wall twice around in a very tight radius and me and the other guy doing it were soaked right down to our under waer with sweat. I must have dropped 12 lbs today alone. Right now I am sucking up some AC and will do so for the rest of the day and night as it took everything out of me and my back!
Just put in 8.5 hours of the most grueling OT I have ever done and its the first time in about 3 years of doing sme OT. Glued up 2 curved stringers for 2 all Cherry spiral stairs that wrapped inside a wall twice around in a very tight radius and me and the other guy doing it were soaked right down to our under waer with sweat. I must have dropped 12 lbs today alone. Right now I am sucking up some AC and will do so for the rest of the day and night as it took everything out of me and my back!

Well by the sounds of it stair building is rather healthy. If you dropped any pounds especially 12 lbs. that is healthy, I know you are in pain Wade but that is ok because you are getting healthier, :) all you need now is a glass of wine!
Today I talked Mike into pressure washing off the front of the house and the rocking chairs for the porch. It took him a long time but he got it all done, my porch is sooooooooo great. I bought some white roll down shades because we get the afternoon sun and now everything is so cleaning looking. I, also, have three ceiling fans on the porch, which is probably our best investment, oh it is so nice sitting here since it is raining and we can't sit on the back deck.
Well then healthy is going to kill me! :)

Ok, I'll give a toast but at least you are healthy :) and I'll send your wife a bottle of Elderberry once she gets that she won't miss you as much :)
Using my new steam juicer for the first time to steam juice 7# of strawberries for an f-pac. It's working great.:br

what kind of a steamer did you get? i,m interested in buying one .just don.t know much about them except what i have read here. marly
I stopped at a totally awesome winery in Kane, PA today way out in the boon docks. No Kidding this place was first class with a tasting room and all. I asked if they had any used Ice wine bottles and walked out with five cases for 10.00. They also gave my wife and me a tour of the place. I never saw bellissima bottles before but got two cases of those also.

Now for the cool part. When I asked the girl about corking them with the Port floor corker she said they do it all the time. Port floor corkers are advertised they will not work. Well she took me back down in the basement and we corked a regular tall skinny ice wine bottle and a Very tall Bellissima bottle with #9 corks and no issues. LOL, once again you were right Wade!!!:sh

I will post this winery on the map!
Well toay I SCORED 12#'s of Raspberries. FREE !
Now bagged and off to the freezer.
We have a tornado warning all day. I live in the Endless Mountains Region of PA. Not exactly the Rockies, but we almost never have tornadoes because of them. So all serious yardwork is canceled on account of rain. That makes this a good day to start a blueberry wine.