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Did a rhubarb picking with Fruit Share and came home with another 15Lbs. Most got chopped and into the freezer for an upcoming wine, but I also set aside enough for jam, pie filling, and to make a couple of cakes.

Had friends over for a wiener roast and campfire, and cracked my 2012 Orange Creamsicle Mead. Damn that stuff is good! It's really come around over the last year or so.
Racked 15 gallons of wine today- 5 of a Chilean Malbec, 5 of Dolcetto and 5 of Montepulciano. The Italian wines are from last fall juice buckets from PI Wine. The Dolcetto was the best of the lot so far.
Managed to bottle the Niagra, Cherry and Steuben over the weekend. Next weekend will likely be for bottling the Isabella and racking the Pinot Grigio and Riesling.
not hurt by the carboy bouncing and I don't want to have to prove that again.

The wife and I celebrated our 28th anniversary by spending the weekend in erie and visiting the wineries. We started in New York and ended up in Erie and visited 7 wineries. My wife bought 5 cases of wine and we got to tour 4 of the wineries. Winery owners in the Erie area will bend over backwards to help a new winery and we make some great new friends during our tour. We look forward to visiting again soon.
not hurt by the carboy bouncing and I don't want to have to prove that again.

The wife and I celebrated our 28th anniversary by spending the weekend in erie and visiting the wineries. We started in New York and ended up in Erie and visited 7 wineries. My wife bought 5 cases of wine and we got to tour 4 of the wineries. Winery owners in the Erie area will bend over backwards to help a new winery and we make some great new friends during our tour. We look forward to visiting again soon.

Which wineries did you tour? You didn't come and see me!
we figured you were busy and we wanted to tour the northern wineries and make new friends. We will definately stop in next time....
Bottled 3 gallons of the 2014 Chilean Cab/Merlot for Dad's birthday party next month. The rest is still in the Vadai and will come out in the next few days to be bottled later this summer.
Got the remaining 6 gallons of 2014 Cab/Merlot out of the barrel and the 2014 Amador Old Vine Zin in. Later this morning, we are doing a 'family friendly' 5k obstacle course/mud run. It's been raining all night. Should be good and messy. :D
on a perfectly rainy day, we will be taste testing and hopefully bottling the Cranberry Pomegranate and possibly a 2013 Merlot.
We are having my sons graduation party as he is going to college next year. Waiting on some 150 people to start showing up soon - everything is almost in place and ready to go.

Luckily we have beautiful weather today - considering we already received approx 13 inches of rain for the month of June already.
Went to Laundromat in town to do 2 weeks' worth of laundry. Drought has caused us to be careful with the well here at the ranch...had to choose between showers or laundry...Showers won :). Also got the major grocery shopping for next month done and now I am sitting by the air conditioner sipping some DB. Yep, I think I earned that glass of DB. :)
We're in Calgary. Going to take our granddaughter to park and then come home to a BBQ and a bottle of Sangiovese syrah
Put up 12 gallons of rhubarb today then went out to the new vineyard and did some pruning
bottled 14 gallons of Catawba and 12 gallons of Cranberry Pomegranate. The hot water tank went, so I am forced to take cold showers. For some strange reason, my wife is elated by this turn of events.....