What R you doing today?

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Had a meeting scheduled for today so I took the day off. Going to try and get the seyval and vidal filtered and bottled today. We'll see how that goes.
Managed to filter and bottle the seyval and vidal blanc. Racked he Cranberry Lime Pee and bottled 1 gallon into capped bottles. I'm thinking of back sweetening 5 gallons of Catawba and possibly 5 gallons of Fredonia.
Boatboy, Just think of not drinking your wine as building up your inventory, LOl.
My wife went to the doctor and was told its better to drink red wine instead of white, her favorite. So now that she is drinking my red wines I can't make them fast enough. I'm like a one arm paperhanger. Bakervinyard
I've got the day off - all to myself!

Thinking I'm going to get going om some of these Wine of the Month 1 gallon batches. It's time to do some bench testing and if I'm really lucky - bottling!
I am climbing the (admittedly not very tall) tallest building in Wisconsin today, as part of a fund-raising event for the American Lung Association. It is 43 stories. However, my group will be attempting to climb it 3 times in an hour.

Afterwards, I invited the whole gang back to my house for a sumptuous breakfast. I am making Eggs Benedict in the sous vide, with your choice of real Canadian bacon from Neuske's or a thick slice of prosciutto. Also serving cumin/tumeric/coriander/lemon shrimp. And champagne and/or mimosa's, naturally. Perhaps a muscle-soothing sauna, too.
Busy day. Did a 4 mile trail run this morning. Then off to Lowes and Target for a few things. Built a couple Lego sets with the kids, then out again to the Post Office and grocery shopping. Having lunch now, then making Guy Fieri's pound cake. Later, off to see some friends for dinner.
I am climbing the (admittedly not very tall) tallest building in Wisconsin today, as part of a fund-raising event for the American Lung Association. It is 43 stories. However, my group will be attempting to climb it 3 times in an hour.

Afterwards, I invited the whole gang back to my house for a sumptuous breakfast. I am making Eggs Benedict in the sous vide, with your choice of real Canadian bacon from Neuske's or a thick slice of prosciutto. Also serving cumin/tumeric/coriander/lemon shrimp. And champagne and/or mimosa's, naturally. Perhaps a muscle-soothing sauna, too.

Well, we made it 3 times. It was tough going on the 3rd time, I must confess.

My sous vide temp controller overshot while I was out, so the eggs got a little overcooked; also, my hollandaise sauce did not emulsify well, alas. However, everything was super yummy, and no one (but me) complained. The champagne, no doubt, helped! I am now done my sauna and licking my wounds for the afternoon.
Doing sweetening trials on my Brianna today. Looks like 2% sugar is just the right amount to balance it out. Got it sweetened and stabilized. Will probably bottle it in a couple of weeks.

Now I'm getting ready to watch the Bison beat SDSU for a sweet 16 spot!
Busy day. Did a 4 mile trail run this morning. Then off to Lowes and Target for a few things. Built a couple Lego sets with the kids, then out again to the Post Office and grocery shopping. Having lunch now, then making Guy Fieri's pound cake. Later, off to see some friends for dinner.

What are you 16 years old? I'm tired just reading what you did before noon.

I fired up the ceramic grill/smoker for a beef shoulder clod (we CAN barbecue other cuts than brisket in Texas). Then ran some errands with SWMBO and racked KS Shiraz Grenache and WE Nero D'Avola.
Might even stir the KS California Grand Red in primary if I have the energy.:)
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What are you 16 years old? I'm tired just reading what you did before noon.

I fired up the ceramic grill/smoker for a beef shoulder clod (we CAN barbecue other cuts than brisket in Texas). Then ran some errands with SWMBO and racked KS Shiraz Grenache and WE Nero D'Avola.
Might even stir the KS California Grand Red in primary if I have the energy.:)

I believe the best part of the day is the morning. We like to get out and get everything done in the morning, then you have the rest of the day to play or anything else you want to do especially if it's going to be too hot. If I ever really slept in it would be 8:00am.
Ran up to Walker's got Vignoles, Chambourcin, Seyval and Traminette. We had the nice sweet inexperience girl who thought my 7 gallon buckets were 5 gallon buckets, she filled them to the rim. :db
Ran up to Walker's got Vignoles, Chambourcin, Seyval and Traminette. We had the nice sweet inexperience girl who thought my 7 gallon buckets were 5 gallon buckets, she filled them to the rim. :db

Damn Julie I was right near by, wish I knew you were going we could have met or lunch. Did you stop at any wineries? I was at 21 Brix.
I am climbing the (admittedly not very tall) tallest building in Wisconsin today, as part of a fund-raising event for the American Lung Association. It is 43 stories. However, my group will be attempting to climb it 3 times in an hour.

Afterwards, I invited the whole gang back to my house for a sumptuous breakfast. I am making Eggs Benedict in the sous vide, with your choice of real Canadian bacon from Neuske's or a thick slice of prosciutto. Also serving cumin/tumeric/coriander/lemon shrimp. And champagne and/or mimosa's, naturally. Perhaps a muscle-soothing sauna, too.

I have always wanted to climb the stares in the CN tower in Toronto. Just haven't gotten around to it
Damn Julie I was right near by, wish I knew you were going we could have met or lunch. Did you stop at any wineries? I was at 21 Brix.

I have been wanting to get up there for the last couple of months cuz I have a blend I want to work on but we have had so much going with my work and Mike's work and family that we haven't been able to. Last night we decided it is either tomorrow or never and we had some crap we had to deal with this morning so we had a late start.

My plan was to text you to see if you were at work or at home. If you were at work, I was going to have one of the workers go to you and tell you there was some guy with a southern accent who needed to talk to you. And if you were home I was just going to text you that I'm coming to raid your wine cellar! BUT because of the late start and we had to be home we could not stop.
Well I was on the road most of the day. I dropped my lawn tractor off at the shop for service in Meadville. After I got home from that I headed up to NY for a project I'm working on.
Cleaning bottles in preparation of bottling the Raspberry Dragonfruit White Shiraz. Did some bench testing for the FCC wine (Fredonia, concord and cayuga). I hope to do some bench testing for the Diamond tomorrow and hope to bottle soon.