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looked at the candy cane wine today...still needs more time on the chocolate. Did add more Watkins peppermint though. Need to add some invert sugar. Maybe that will make it better.
Riesling Ice wine gets bottle tomorrow. Cleaning bottles tonight.
Yep, a 100+ year old oak tree sure leaves a mark in the ground. Odds are it take 10 or so years for it to rot. By then it will be bonfire time
Bottled my 'Guiness' beer.
Cleaned 25 'special shaped' bottles for the Plum Port to be bottled.
Cleaned another dozen 'normal' clear bottles.
Racked the Loquat. I'll post a link for this wine when I have it organised. Quite a mission!
Bottled 3gal Dragons Blood.
Good day!
Off to take the little fella to his swimming club competitions shortly :-D
Today I finally got in to see my stylist - she is AMAZING and I always feel wonderful with 'new' hair.

Also started prepping food for my parent's annual Advent Party. It's been going for over 25 years, and we're now up to 3 generations who attend of close family friends. We look forward to it every year. My Dad makes fresh pine advent arrangements for each family to take home and light on the Sundays leading up to Christmas.
I finally ripped a bunch of hardwood boards for some furniture I am making. I had some maple boards and some purpleheart -- very pretty. I also had a sauna, then a nice dinner out, and then took in a play. All in all, a very enjoyable day.
made rayways apricot habenaro jelly and only got one burn that actually blistered lol. For me that's a good day in the kitchen :)
The Valpo and Petite Syrah are done with MLF, so I racked and sulfited them this morning. Also racked, stabilized and fortified the blueberry port. I'll back sweeten as soon as I get around to ordering the concentrates. Did a little Christmas shopping as well.
Got some more stuff done around the house to be ready for the baby. I also got my stuff together for deer season on Monday.

Still degassing my apple and my peach is almost done percolating. It's at 1.024 iirc. The cold basement has made for a slow but steady ferment. It's maybe 57* down there.
Nursed a hangover all day ( had company, many round of. Cards Against Humanity, and lots of beer wine and apple pie).
So spent the morning/early afternoon watching cartoons on the couch.

Did clean 27 bottles.
Bottles chianti.
Ate some turkey.
Now watching Star Wars marathon with my son.
Racked the vidal twice to get rid of the H2S smell, racked 5 gallons of concord, cleaned some buckets and delivered/traded some wine for some pastries....
Got an early start and brewed a batch of AG beer, racked both carboys of Catawba and put them out to cold stabilize.
Racked the Welches Competition Wine.

Bottled White Pear Pinot Gris & Peach Apricot Chardonnay.

Then watched the Hobbit with Bryan :)
Went to the only Black Saturday sale event I would even think about -- namely, at my LHBS. I snagged a CC Showcase Rosso Fortissimo at about 20% off. I also glued up some hardwood strips (maple and purpleheart) for a piece of furniture I am building.
Hosted a party with my wife for her mom and five of her brothers and spouses plus two nieces at our house yesterday. I think there were a total of 14 of us. I lost track of how many bottles of wine were consumed. One of her brothers and I broke out the scotch and cigars. A grand time was had by all.

Menu included a smoked ham injected with rum and brown sugar. Two types of pasta. Green beans with bacon and red potatoes.
I love a good cigar every now and then. I don't stray too far from the Cubans though.
Went to SAQ Fete des Vins last night, a wine tasting event that showcases locally made wines. Quite impressive what can be made considering their biggest challenge is just keeping the vines from freezing to death every winter. Seriously dedicated wine makers...
Went to a golf liquidation sale with my father.
Load of laundry
Checked my wine.
Cooked some roast beast and potato pancakes
My mother is coming over for dinner.
Poured a big glass of wine!

Giants game on at 8!