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I'm grounded until tomorrow. :ft I had to have an epidural today then through it they injected steroids into four of my discs that are bulging. This came from a motorcycle wreck almost two years ago where I was rear ended by a girl that was texting. I was sitting still about to make a right turn on red.
As of right now I walked into the docs office with a 10 level of pain and only feel about a 2 now. :r Now I need to get a lift for my carboys on the lower shelf.
Rick, I remember you talking about that accident as well, it is just a shame that you are now suffering and I'm sure all she got was a fine and still out texting and driving.
It will be two years on 9-1 and there's no doubt that her little $185 fine didn't stop her from texting and driving. :slp
Scary stuff, like kids dont have enough distractions already. Back problems really suck sorry man.

I'll live and thanks for all of the comments everyone. Yesterday I got out of bed at a 10 level of pain and this morning it was barely a 2. I'm pretty excited about the results so far. BTW i'm still riding. Now back to winemaking!
Those injections really help! Glad you got relief so quickly, sometimes they get worse for a few days before getting better. Hopefully you will get some relief!
I started the Fredonia last week that I got from Walkers, two hot packs. The one is just bubbling away, but the other I had to restart by adding nutrient and yeast. I then took my drill and mixing stick (for the drill) and gave it some oxygen. Hopefully that will start it on it's way. I'm thinking that will be the better one. Am I headed in the right direction so far? I'm enjoying a peach wine my neighbor made right now, but the smell is kind of strange but taste good. First peach wine I've ever had.
when I started it was 1080 and now it's 1078, seems to be pushing on the water bubble. thanks! 8)

I just took a look at Presque Isle Wine Cellars. I pass there almost every Sunday from 86 to 90 west. Can I get a big truck (73 feet) in there? The trees are in the way from the satellite view.
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Well I racked and filtered my concord and peach wines tonight in hopes to bottle early tomorrow. I also racked two others. I'm tuckered out. :gn
We drank my wine from Solo cups fireside, man thats like soul cleansing or something, for some stupid reason I only decided to bring 2 750ml :( that are now empty. I would like to stop at PI Wine and grab a few bottles for the rest of the weekend, they're open on the weekends right.
Shoebiedoo. Don't get too excited. In my experience, this generation tends to come nd go with the tides.
Went to my daughter's high school graduation tonight. :try:try 2 months to being Empty nester :dg:fsh:D:D

Shoebiedoo. Don't get too excited. In my experience, this generation tends to come nd go with the tides.

Congrats to your daughter but like Famineguy said don't get too excited. Vicki and I were empty nesters for two years and now we have a couple of them back. :d
Pressing the Malbec today! I'll be glad to be in the nice, cool basement today, it's supposed to get HOT out today, upper 80's. I swear it's too early for this heat!